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Two cool videos


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Crows are very smart, there is also another video of a crow using a bottlecap for a sled, he takes it to the top of the roof and then slides down and takes it back up for another go at it, very amusing to watch them do amazing tricks. We have found firsthand that they are smart enough to know what a corn sprout looks like for they pull it up for they know there is a kernal of corn on the other end.

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I love watching Corvid videos. Thanks for sharing these. :)


Most may not realize it, but Blue Jays are a member of the Corvid Family. I have several here I have been interacting with and offering peanuts. Over time they have become very comfortable with me and my wife and will come and take a peanut off my leg or arm. The stinkers will now scream or click at me if I haven't haven't come baring a peanut. I swear they have at least a 100 peanuts hidden in the ground, bushes and tree's that when I don't give them any, they will go bust in to a stash location. :P

Edited by danmcq
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