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rescuing 12yr old african grey, advice/notes?


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My grandparents friends are too old to properly care for their 12yr old African grey. They know I'm a great parrot owner, and I absolutely love parrots like my own children. I have only owned a quaker, however I understand care and attention for birds and parrots very well. I havent owned any larger parrots though. They would fly the parrot to texas soon, and luckily I have all my supplies but I believe I need a larger cage. I have no problem buying whatever the parrot needs.

im looking for advice on how I should help the african grey adjust to a new enviroment and owner. I know I need to be careful about this, im afraid to get advice from other websites or youtube as I dont know their expierience.

So a little info about the environment:

I work at home in my bedroom, which is where I have a cage setup, nand made my room into a giant playground for a parrot. Its a large room, and I am in it all day/night. I spend most my time on the computer. It's child safe.


If you would like any more info please ask. Also, I am on my tablet currently so I apologise for any grammatical or spelling errors.

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Hello Spencer and thank you so much for giving this grey a new forever home.

It sounds like you know what you are doing and this should serve you well in the coming weeks, months and years as this bird settles into and feels comfortable. There will be a transition period as he grieves the loss of his current caretakers and comes to learn to trust you as his bonded owner, there is no set amount of time for this as it varies with each bird but its not to be rushed for grey time is slow so take it very slow and allow him to adjust to his new home. Let him decide when the time is right to handle him and interact with him as you have to earn a grey's trust.

I'm all for a larger cage, they need one large enough that they could spread their wings and not touch the sides, big enough to have some toys and not be crowded especially if he will be spending some time in it but since you work from home it sounds like he might be out most of the day on that playground you say you have so it looks like he has it made, he is gonna love his new home.

You can trust the information from this site as we all are owners of greys, whether its just one or several and most of us have other parrots so we know all about sharing our lives with them, most have either been thru a similar situation as yours or just sharing our own experiences but all you have to do is ask and someone will more than likely have an answer for you but the biggest thing I can recommend for you is to take your time and be very patient with him thru the adjustment period however long it takes for you won't be sorry.

Pictures are always welcomed so please consider sharing a few when you get him home with you.

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Hi Spencer. First try to get all the information the current owners have on this grey. What is his current routine, diet and does he like people. Is he a friendly sort or shy. Is he flighted or clipped. Getting as much information as you can on your new friend will certainly help you know how to interact with him.


What is this grey's name. Details please.


And oh yeah........ Welcome to the Grey family. If we can help, we will certainly try.

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Welcome to our flock! Like everyone has said, take your time getting to know each other. He may or may not adjust right away. He might welcome the change in environment & guardian. Since you work at home, and will be around all the time, learn to set time boundaries. He must learn to occupy himself for some time, and be with you other times. He must get used to being in his cage when you are visible, if you're busy working, and cannot play with him. So, don't overdo giving attention at first. There is a "honeymoon" period that you both have to learn how to live with each other. It's going to be great! And, we thank you for taking in this new friend.

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Welcome. Romeo will be in a state of shock when he arrives- at least I assume he is not a seasoned traveler. So give him what he wants when you get him home. Most likely this will be some alone time, but not every bird responds the same. He may want you with him after being alone on the plane. As others have said - their time is not ours. It may seem to you that at two months he should be adjusted - but that is more like two days to some Greys. So take it easy and enjoy him.

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Thanks for joining us Spencer. You are off to a good start. It sounds like you are adopting a well adjusted parrot from a longstanding home. That's a plus. If you can get a picture of his cage setup in his home and use that as a starting point for the cage in his new home, that might help him feel a little more familiar. The plane trip is likely to be very stressful to him. He may be growling and upset. If you can avoid it, don't set his container on the floor, they like to be up high. Talk softly, move slowly and let him get used to you over time. If you can find out what kind of treats he likes from his current family, get a few of those things to have on hand when he arrives. Grapes, pine nuts, almonds, unsalted sunflower seeds, pistachios are a good place to start. Don't be surprised if he takes a treat from you and tosses it to the floor. He may be more focused on studying you and figuring out the lay of the land. It may take a few weeks for him to adjust, treat him gently and talk to him, he will understand more than you might think. Thanks for making a new home for him, you will be friends for life.

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Welcome to you both. You are asking great questions and getting good answers so I know you will be a positive home for this new guy in your life. Do think about getting a sleep cage for him as Greys are a dusty bird and we breather the deepest in our sleep so having him sleep in a different area would be best for your continued good health. Wonderful that you plan to spend so much waking time with him as they are a flock bird and you are to be his new flock. Looking forward to hearing about his adjustment into your home and heart.

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