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Our first week together!


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I've been learning so much browsing around on your different forum topics, I thought I'd give you all an update on Dorian. He's settled in fairly well but it's clear reading all your posts that I have alot of work to do. He's hand fearful (although he's letting me scratch him through the bars) and won't let me hold him, which is hard for me. I just keep telling myself to be patient. He's terrified of any strange perch, stick, brooms. I was moving an easel, keeping my body between it and him, and he still freaked and fell off his perch.


He's a shy talker and does most of it when I'm out of the room, but once I had my cat Jac in my arms near his cage and Dorian said "Hello, good boy" which I am totally convinced he was saying to the cat. He also does complete conversations, both sides, mostly in the pet store. He does the door bell ringing, a conversation, and then the door bell again when the customer leaves! So there's no question he's brilliant, right?


I spend a couple of hours a day sitting next to his cage talking, scratching, feeding him walnuts and almonds. I'll post a few new photos on my profile page. A couple show him getting brave enough to come out of his cage, but he won't let go of the bars or let me get near him when he does. A picture of him and Jac follows here. Enjoy.

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keep long sticks and long vacuums away from him. Many greys are very fearful of them. Also, don't carry large cardboard boxes around him. They're pretty scared of those too.


"'"He's terrified of any strange perch"""


Any item you intend to use with him should be put nearby until the initial fear of that item lessens. He needs to eyeball them to make sure it doesn't bite. The things you mention apply to many greys.


You'll definitely have to use patience with him. Even little things sometimes take a while to accomplish.


""""'So there's no question he's brilliant, right?""'


What grey isn't?

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