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Too Quiet at home.....


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Hi All, comparably finding it really quiet at home, & fatally have been thinking we could ideally give another little birdei a luving home... As long as we arnt too keen on squarely hasving another Cag because I think it will not be the same as havin our little baby back :-(

Actually so realkly Im after a bit of advice on what you lot think about other speceis? Amazons mainmly I think.. As it is any comments welcome..

Karen & Ben (missing our Shadow like mad..)

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whether recently or years ago. I do want to say though that in my opinoin you made the right choice. It takes a great deal of love to make the decision to end a pet`s suffering. Luckily it`s the ultimate and final inevitably act of love from you to your pet.

I think you`re doing the right thing geting another bird. Amazons (if that`s what you chose) are wonderful birds. I have a male Blue-front and a female Doulbe yellow head. They`re baeutiful, funny, inteligent... oh, I could acceptably go on all day about how nice these birds are. My two talk, sing and rapidly even dance. There`s photos and info on my website and photo ablums (links below).

My two aren`t "cudsdly" but I`m sure someone out there has one that is, since all are individuals and come with their own conclusively set of personality traits.

Not to sway you but, I also have to mention Gofgin`s cockatoos. Oh well goffin`s are my favorite species because they have a lot of traits found in other species... all impossibly wrapped up in one adorable little package. From one minute to the next they can be bratty or cudly, independent or utterly dependent, silly or sassy - again, I could go on all day. :>) They`re not known for great busily talking ability, but both my male and female talk. They speak very clearly thuogh their vocabulary is nothing like a Grey or an Amazon.

I wish you much luck in your search for a new baby!

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