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She dont' talk


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I wanted to ask You a question. Shelby, my african grey when I'm at my house does not even attempt to speak. She has 1 year of life.

Twice I was from my boyfriend and I brought her with me (for two weeks) and they started to try to talk, he tried to imitate the other grey parrot, Milo.

Two or three times he mentioned almost a "hello" and "love," but when we went back to our house was again silenced. Do not try to talk, whistle only. Why do you think so?

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1--She may not like to talk when people are around that she can see. Many greys are like that.

2--She may be too young to talk yet. Many greys start talking when they're older and some younger. That can't change.

3--Lots of greys don't ever talk the human language permantly. They will imitate all types of sounds though. Again, it has to do with the grey. Nothing can change that.

Many people who get greys don't really worry about whether the bird talks or not.

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I have a CAG, Sterling Gris, who is almost three, he talks all the time. I have a TAG, Ana Grey, who will be 6 in August, my first grey who can talk but has chosen not to. She only does so once in a while. My zon also can talk and speaks Hindu also but only talks once in awhile. I live alone perhaps it is because there is not a lot of talking going on in my home. Perhaps because Sterling Gris does all the talking for them. They are happy and healthy so I talk to them and will wait when they have something to say. Perhaps it will be when Sterling Gris shuts up for awhile. Only time will tell. That's why we love our greys, they are confident and self-assured and have a mind of their own. So much like a human.

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I have three greys, two talk ( one of the ALL the time ) my third guy, in two years has said step up once and his name twice, he chooses to whistle. I agree with Nancy, he is always studying us and everything around him. The others just fly by the seat of their pants and could care less of their surroundings, but Bongo notices everything. Food, water and a trip to the back door every hour so Cotay can ask us if we "wanna go outside and pee pee?" is all they really care about! Oh and a box for Gabby to destroy! Must have box or she will find something else to destroy, like anything on my counters (including legal paperwork that i don't think i can replace! lol

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