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Going to the vet


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Echo has his first appointment with his new vet tomorrow. I don't think he has been to the vet in over ten years, and that was an emergency trip. Anybody have any tips on how to make this as minimally stressful as possible for him?

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Gosh, since Echo's appointment is tomorrow, you really don't have a whole lot of time to prepare him by taking him in and out of a travel cage, handling his wings, feet, beak, getting him used to a towel (if your vet uses one with him), and stepping on and off of a scale. Also a couple short rides in the car where he returns home so that he would know that the car does not necessarily mean 1) being rehomed and 2) going to the vet. Those things can all be helpful, but given the short amount of time for you and Echo to prepare, right off the top of my head all I can think of is to act nonchalant and not stressed because Echo will pick up on that. Talk to him calmly, let him know that everything is OK, and that pretty soon you'll be going back home (when you're at the vet) -- or whatever words you use for your home, his cage, etc. He may or may not understand or he may, but he certainly will understand your tone of voice, your calm body language, and the reassurance.


Others will no doubt have more advice that they can pass along. I have to admit for being a bit at a loss given the time constraints :) Looking forward to hearing that Echo is healthy and that things went well!

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Thanks for the tips guys! I wish I would have thought of that before making the appointment, I was just thinking get him in as soon as possible...since its been so long since he's been seen. Well I will remain calm and carry on, lol! I will let you guys know how his check up goes this evening! Have a wonderful day!

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I never worry BOUT DOING any prep work before a vet visit. I feel that, in itself will get them wondering what's up, or stress them. I Just put them in their travel cages, talk to them the whole way, and make it sound fun. They do fine, and are a bit tired when they get home, but happy.

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Well that was a disaster! Echo was sitting on top of his cage, chatting up a storm, happy as can be. He came right to me when I asked him to step up...and then I tried to put him in his carrier to get him to the vets. I moved slowly and reassured him very calmly, but as soon as I got him close to the carrier he flew off and flew around the room like a madman! He landed on the floor...thank goodness he didn't run into anything and hurt himself. He came right back to me and I tried again to get him into the carrier and he flew into his cage and wont come out. I rescheduled his appointment to a time when someone will be home to help me, so we will try again tomorrow.

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I feel your pain Candi, we had the same experience with Timber the last time he went to the vet (December). The first two times we went we managed to trick him, but this time he was ready for us. As you said, it really takes two. When we do manage to get him in the carrier, I'm always prepared for a hard bite. I've avoided it so far, but I'm always ready for it so I don't overreact and hurt him trying to get free.

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You really need to get to view the carrier as a positive experience by enticing him in when your not stressed. Entice him in and then just go for a ride in the car talking hapily and pointing the sights. Take him someplace like a relative, friends, out for a walk etc. The when you ask wanna go with me to xxx? Most the time that foot will go up because they want to be with you and understand that carrier is how it works. A trip to the vet unexpectedly will then just play in to the mix other than getting man handled once there. But, the positive side is your grey will not be stressed out already just from the stressful experience of being placed in the carrier. :)

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I am soooo sorry! My guys arent use to the vet, but use to going to trimmer for nails and beak. They HATE getting in the carrier, so I just put them in thru all their protests! Once they are there.... they are happy birds. I guess I should be empathetic more for them, but I am not. It is a necessity, and its got to be done.

My pup Zoey, has to go to the vet every six to eight weeks. I have to hold her " paw", all the way there! Once we get there.... she wants to get in as quick as she can! She barks with excitement, wags her tail. All the other dogs think she is crazy! She leaves me in the waiting room wagging her tail and comes back just as happy. Gotta love my pup!

It is very important, to let our birds, or other animals know, it is important to see their vet or trimmer.It is part of life and when it is no big deal for me... it is no big deal for them Nancy

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I have never had a problem getting Josey into her travel cage for I have taken her for short trips that she has enjoyed so it was a positive experience for her and that is what you will have to do for Echo. The travel cage should be used for other outings other than just vet visits or they will associate that with getting into it, you have to make it a fun experience but you are probably going to have to bite the bullet and get him into it the first time to get him to the vet.

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I too am sorry Candi. I have had to towel a bird to get them into a carrier. But they seemed no worse for the wear. I hope with help you will be able to get Echo into the carrier tomorrow. Hopefully when you return home with him he will be able to start thinking that he can go someplace and still come home where he is happy.

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I'm wondering if it might be a little less stressful to get him into the carrier at bedtime and then put it in your room or somewhere near you like a sleep or roost cage experience the night before this vet visit. That would take off some of the pressure on you and it might make him less likely to associate the carrier directly with the vet. One thing that I was told early on is to make sure you face them toward the smaller cage opening when putting them in rather than trying to put them in backward. It could be at night when you can dim the lights you might be able to put a food treat into the carrier and praise him and give him lots of treats while he is in there. Then when you get home rather than letting him right out of the cage as if it were an escape from a scary place, leave him in a while and talk to him, give him more treats and then open the door and let him come out on his own terms. Then, after the fact, work with him to get in and out of the cage on a more regular basis and use the visits to friends or just a quick ride in the car to keep it from being only unpleasantness when he goes to his travel container.

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I have had to towel Rikki or Nilah o occasion to get them to their vet appts. I NEVER let them win that battle. Once they are, they are fine s long as I stay calm and reassure them the whole way it is fun!



I have never had any luck making getting them used to their carriers. Talon loves hers, but the others want nothing to do with them, even tho I have left them out in full view to climb on and play with for week at a time.

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He was mad at me all day yesterday! Every time I talked to him he would turn his head the other way. When I left the room he didn't call for me like he usually does. When I needed him to step up to put him to bed for the night, he gave me this look, growled and then stepped up. He did what I asked, but he made sure I knew he wasn't happy about it, lol! He seems ok this morning...we are playing peek-a-boo, which he initiated...so I guess he is done giving me the silent treatment :)...for now anyway!

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Phew! What a relief to have that behind you. Even better that Echo has been given a clean bill of health. Yahoo. That first trip was the hardest for us but it gets better every time. So happy for you both and glad he is back to his cheerful little self this morning.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Candi,,,so glad you are forgiven! Typical punishment is usually 24 hours. Sophie hasnt punished me in a long time. I don't towel her anymore as she will stepup, but if we had a fire and I needed immediate cooperation, she would be toweled. I'm sure she would be cooperative to stepup, but we have several animals to evacuate. Plan is to towel Sophie and sunny...dogs get evacuated to car in driveway. We had a fire in the past... the plan was in place and executed. Birds were toweled, dogs sent to car in driveway. Nancy

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