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Last night I got a call from a friend of mine who found an abandoned Jack Russell Terrier cowering in her barn. Today we took it to a local vet for a check up. The dog is extremely sweet and laid back, but has some issues. She is totally blind in one eye and has a cataract in the other which allows her to possibly see shapes and shadows, but that is about it. When examining her teeth, the vet noticed that she has worn all her teeth down, but what remains are white and healthy. Her theory is that the dog was a puppy mill breeder left in a cage and she wore her teeth chewing on the metal bars and then abandoned by the side of a road somewhere. Despite her cataracts and worn teeth, the vet guesses she is only about 5 or 6 years old. She tested negative for heart worms, but had fleas and her skin is raw and red in many places.


Anyway, I decided to adopt her on a trial basis. My Cag Gracie is my priority, and I don't want the addition of a rescue dog to stress her out. If it doesn't work out, I will look for another home for her or find a "no kill" shelter for her. Before making the decision, I introduced Gracie to Lucy (the name I have given the Jack Russell). Gracie seemed delighted and offered kisses. The dog showed no aggression or prey instinct. In fact she seemed oblivious to Gracie due to her blindness. Even when Gracie flew around or talked, Lucy showed no interest. Lucy is the most chill laid back dog I have met--yet so sweet and gentle. She has a gem of a personality.


I hope I have made a good decision. I never do such things on impulse, but this dog truly needs a loving home and probably has had a sad life thus far. I just couldn't look the other way without giving it a try.


I have attached a picture of Lucy sleeping on my couch after a bath and a flea killing treatment.



Edited by JeffNOK
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Due to my work with the SPCA, I'd agree with your vets assessment. I've seen the same things before. Almost always I caution people about birds & dogs together. Especially terriers, hunters, and lap dogs. But, in this case, Lucy's blindness might override other issues, and she and Gracie could be friends. I still would caution about SUPERVISED interaction. You're doing a good thing, and maybe there is a higher reason for you being in the right place at the right time. I'm sure Lucy thanks you for your kindness and consideration. As do I.

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I have older blind pug. Lily is very sweet and does not bother my parrots, probably because she can't see them. If the parrots are flying around, Lily will go into my office to get out of their way. My parrots are not allowed into my office. My parrots do not fly to the floor so all is well.


It is a wonderful thing you are doing for this terrier and I commend you Jeff. Thank you for your kindness.

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Due to my work with the SPCA, I'd agree with your vets assessment. I've seen the same things before. Almost always I caution people about birds & dogs together. Especially terriers, hunters, and lap dogs. But, in this case, Lucy's blindness might override other issues, and she and Gracie could be friends. I still would caution about SUPERVISED interaction. You're doing a good thing, and maybe there is a higher reason for you being in the right place at the right time. I'm sure Lucy thanks you for your kindness and consideration. As do I.


I will be a diligent supervisor! Gracie is like my feathered child and I will not under any circumstances endanger her. A Jack Russell was the last dog on my list as a possible companion in my home with a CAG. This dog shows no prey instinct at all--so far. But I will definitely be on the lookout for any hint of danger to Gracie. As I said, this is a trial adoption. Hopefully all will work out.

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You have such a great attitude Jeff. It could be that your place in Lucy's life is to give her a loving place to rest or it could be a lifelong friendship between you and she may be the newest flock member in a forever home. You are level-headed and conscientious and Lucy is gaining tremendously from your compassion and generosity. I have known a few Jack Russell terriers and they are among the most intelligent creatures next to our greys, of course. Lucy will learn the ground rules and Gracie will tell her how good you are so soon it will seem as if you have been together all of your lives. Congratulations on your new addition.

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Aww. Bless your kind heart. I think you mads a good decision. I have a Bali d cat and my birds will get right up in his face...but the cat just shakes his head, he doesn't know who or what they are. You may find that this precious dog will be so grateful for a loving warm safe home, that he will be the sweetest dog you've ever had. Time will tell.

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Great rescue story Jeff, hopefully she won't regain any prey drive when she is feeling better. Poor Food and exhaustion take their toll. Smart dogs so she can learn what ever you are able to teach her. Hoping she finds her permanent place in your household with you and Gracie.

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A quick update. On Sunday I went to church and put Lucy in a crate while I was away. I need to crate her while I am away. Well she didn't do well. When I got home there was a note from my neighbor that she had been barking non-stop and Gracie was cowering in the back of her cage. I realized Lucy would not work with Gracie and I. The good news is that I found a new home for her with a retired couple who are home all day and want a lap dog. The husband had been checking shelters this past week looking for a Jack Russell in particular, but couldn't find an older calm one. Well Lucy is now with them. As I left her there, Lucy was asleep on the recliner next to her new owner. Both looked happy as could be.

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While she may not be able to live with you, Lucy has a small bit of your heart. You were Lucy's guardian angel for a time and hopefully you will be able to see her from time to time. In the meantime, Gracie will probably confirm the barking for you. It is very nice to have you on our forum for the loving kindness you have shown in many aspects of your life.

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