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Thought this was interesting!


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Yes, as Ray said, they touch your heart, remain with you every minute of their lives and never let go, even when you are not together.


I have had so many pets over my life, I always had a special place for cats, and seem to have a silent understanding with any cat I meet, I can win over any cat, wild or tame. But nothing has ever given me the love and attachment that my Nilah does. We adore each other, even when she is being an amazon and it tries my patience...

Edited by Talon
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What a great story, thanks for starting this thread. I have a not-so-secret Amazon admiration. I have to get my fix vicariously through our forum friends. There is no doubt a fierce and loyal love when they take over your life. Gil's not going to make room for a pal any time soon though. Can you imagine all these wild-caught, elderly, wrinkled Amazon's in our midst and the stories they have to tell?

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