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New CAG owner!

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Hi folks! Bought myself a new CAG today. He (as i have been informed) is currently grumpy settling in! He doesnt have a name yet either! As it is such a long commitment I am trying to think of something that will be ok for when I have a head full of hair his colour! I have been told that he is 9 months old, and I think this to be true as his iris isnt fully lightened yet.

I have ordered him a huge cage! its mahoosive! expecting it in a couple of days, so he is still in the transport cage that he came with.

He is going to be having a room mate (not cage mate) on friday as the missus saw a Quaker that she wanted so we pick that up on friday.


Anyway, nice to meet you all and HELLO!

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Hello Gazreesy and welcome to our family.

Congrats on your new grey and it does take time for a grey to settle into his new home and feel comfortable so be very patient with him as he goes thru this process. Greys are very cautious creatures and it takes a lot of time for them to adjust to a new home but as long as you don't rush things and let his make the decisions about what he is comfortable doing then things should go smoothly.

That cage is similar to my grey's cage, she loves the playtop on the side like that and spends some of her day there playing.

Now all we need is some pictures of him. Btw, what is his name?

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Hello everyone! I am also new to the forums! Monday I will be the proud mommy of a 5 month old male CAG who I am naming "Houdini"! I have had rescue greys in the past but it has never worked out but I am sure with buying a baby this time that it will all work out just fine! I am super excited to bring my baby home in only 5 days. I will need someone to help me post pics on here, I dont know how to do anything on here, so all help will be greatly appreciated! And if anyone has any advice for me with soon to be having a baby grey, id love to hear it! Thank you, Miranda :)

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I dont have a name for him yet :(

But I am taking it easy with him, have his current cage on the sideboard next to where I sit so that he can get used to me and learn that I am not a threat. I am looking forward to getting him in his new extra large home. I think he will appreciate all of the space and areas in there as he loves climbing the bars.

Also looking forward to the quaker joining us, just not looking forward to the flock calls! I hope the grey doesnt mimmick them!

Going to have him clipped in a couple of weeks as I dont want him flighted for fear of risk of injury.

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Hello and welcome to you and your new baby! Timber's cage is very similar to that and it is great. It has some areas that are hard to get to and to clean, but it is very spacious. Post some pics when you get a chance. I'm glad you are taking it easy and not forcing interaction with him. The best thing is to let him set the pace when he gets comfortable. Good luck and God bless :)

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He has just started to come over to me in his cage and screech and head bob and click for attention. If I ignore then I get sore ear drums! Anyway, slowly slowly. He still isnt sure as when I put my hand near him he runs for the hills. But I suppose the big step is thathe is coming to me in his cage.

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Well just a quick update. His new cage came today as did the cage for the quaker. I have them both built up now and what a job that was!

Anyways Alfie is in his new home now and is being left to settle for a few days. Especially after I got a good nip on the finger when helping him into his new home!

When I pick up the quaker tomorrow I will add some pics of bith in their forever homes.


Just want to add that this site is fab and such a wealth of information.

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Hello and welcome! congratulations on your new baby, it's going to be a beautiful journey to you both, Don't worry, in a couple of days he will be demanding your scratches and cuddles, patience! :P , We're waiting for pictures !

Good luck!

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Quick update! Pictures in a couple of days!

He hates hands and screams when I put them near him. Anyways, after reading the forums I saw a useful post where someone had been using sticks to use as a extension of themselves. So I thought I would try with him. I have managed to get him to step up onto a perch and to let me scratch his neck with my chin. The biggesg improvement though is that he now allows me to rub the top of his beak with just a finger and only the top of the beak. I am happy with this as this is massive progress.

Also he is a good flyer but sometimes got confused in the apartment and landed with a thud, so today I clipped his wings just enough so that he doesnt drop down but glides. I am also now hoping that this will aid in the bonding pricess and help him to trust me.

The quaker is also settling in well and is starting to accept being a little. He to has had his wings clipped but he was an excellent flyer.


I will post pics as soon as I fit the new screen to my lappy.

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So great to hear of the progress with Alfie. What a lovely cage, and it is so great that he is allowing you to begin to make physical contact with him. Your patience will definitely go a long way, and is already paying off. Will be looking forward to more updates and eventual photos. :)

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