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Weird eye thing and talking!


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I wasn't sure if I should post this is the health room or here, so...

Echo is an orange wing. He is 7 months old. There has been no behavior or eating/diet changes at all, but his right eye seems to be droopy or half closed almost all the time. It started about a week ago. Tonight, it is pretty much shut all the way.

I was thinking that maybe it is way too dry in here? I think the humidity is about 20% and his cage is near a vent. (I cannot move it, it is the only spot I have). Could he just have a very dry eye?

This happened once when he was a baby, but he flew into a mirror and it did this for a week or two before correcting itself.

In other news, he has said his very first very clear phrase, "Hey Echo!". He also says a little less clearly' "What are ya doin?" and "Hey!" He also crows like a crow very loudly when he is happy, and dances to the beat anytime he hears music, even if it's a commercial on TV.


Anyone have any advice about the eye thing?


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I agree with others 100 percent. If this started after flying in to a mirror initially, your zon could have a blood clot, hemorrhage etc. causing this. Only an avian vet can diagnose anything like this. Let's put it this way, if your mother all of sudden started having an eye issue like this, would you put off dialing 911? Believe me, thats how serious this could be.

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First, the mirror thing was 6 months ago, and he was checked immediately by a vet for all those issues. He was having that eye problem then too. It cleared up after about a week and has not returned until last week. He has not flown into anything recently either. The vet is over an hour away from us (the closest avian vet). I waited a few days and the eye issue is clearing up again. I did talk to his hatch mommy who said it sounded like he had a lash caught under his lid, or his eye was very dry. The humidity in my house is about 20% right now. His lid is no longer staying closed, it's just a bit droopy, ON OCCASION. He will be going to see his hatch mommy sometime this week, and if the eye is shut all the time again, I will take him to the vet. Thanks for all your concern!


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I agree with the others, its worth a check up to know for sure. You don't want their to be a problem, infection or something that causes him to go blind in that eye. That happened to a cat I rescued. As for it being too dry, my house is around 20% humidity, it is an open floor plan & I cant seem to get it higher, never been a problem.



Sometimes they hurt themselves and you never know why or when, it happens sometimes when they are playing in their cages, etc.

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