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Misty gets treat.


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Misty seems to have a little disdain for you when she surveys the treat hanging at the end of the scree as she first states "What are you doing?". As she pulls the string up, she is thinking to herself "I hope he see's how obviously simple this is.... Paaaleeaaase!". Nice video, thanks for sharing it. :)

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Very clever, that Misty! What a treat to watch.


Love tht deep voices agin, "what are you doing?" I foret that not all birds talk like mine in girlie voices, so when I hear grey talk in a mans voice, it always suprises me!


Talon, same here! It takes me aback a bit every time! :)

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Misty seems to have a little disdain for you when she surveys the treat hanging at the end of the scree as she first states "What are you doing?". As she pulls the string up, she is thinking to herself "I hope he see's how obviously simple this is.... Paaaleeaaase!". Nice video, thanks for sharing it. :)


Hmm! I suspect that it is more than a little disdain some times!:o

"What are you doing is is favourite phrase at the moment. Whenever I am doing something he asks the question and I usually try to explain. In this case he was watching me fiddle with the camera.


Steve n Misty

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That video was captivating, thanks Steve. I also was smitten with the deep male voice. Watching him hoist up his treasure was seemingly simple, but mesmerizing. What a clever boy you have.


Thank you Katana600. Misty speaks with my voice but I guess he sounds deeper compared to many Greys who use female flock member voices. I sometimes think of him as my "Mini Me". :) As for his cleverness I think most Greys could do much the same thing given the opportunity.


Steve n Misty

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