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Loki being Loki :D (PIC HEAVY)


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So Loki decided this morning that I could not drink my coffee in peace! Every time I would put him back on his cage he was climbing back down to say hello. He is really getting into the whistling, he is starting to do the Andy Griffin song :). He also has the door chime and alarm sound down, whenever he feels like getting us up in the morning he does the door chime and the alarm voice saying of "front door open" lol he's a crazy one!


He is not a fan of my sister anymore, he lunges at her when she closes his cage door but sometimes he will give her kisses when he is out of his cage, usually in the morning when he is on the counter eating his veggies.


I posted a little while ago that I got him a boing, at first he didn't like it but now he spends all his time on it! I will include a picture of him enjoying a bottle cap on it.


He also finally trusts me to hold him while he is hanging upside down, he spent a good 10 minutes this morning twirling around upside down on my hand, mainly trying to get my camera while I was trying to take a picture of him.


Thanks for looking :D






Edited by greyday87
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He is too funny if he climbs down and I am busy I will put him back on his cage and go back to whatever I was doing, maybe 5 minutes later he is climbing back down again and if I put him back a few times he starts sneaking down the back of the cage and will climb onto the couch behind my head :-) Half of the time when he does this I don't even notice him until he makes a noise behind me!

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Haha that is too funny about Bailey! Loki was hanging upside down again while I held him and I was asking him if he was a chicken also :-) now when I am holding him and he wants to flip he walks to the end of my hand and leans until I flip him, I am going to try and teach him to do the bomb whistle that he loves so much while he is falling!

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I couldn't get the photos when I was away from home connecting through my phone so I was really pleased to be able to bring them up today. What beautiful photos you have taken. Of course, Loki is the star of the show, but the colors and composition of your shots is spectacular. I especially enjoyed Loki's silver iris. He is beautiful and very accomodating and photogenic. Thanks so much for giving me this delightful walk through your life this afternoon. Well done.

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