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Is this a strange noise?


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She eats most of it. The crumbles from the bigger pellets are still in the bowl and she had veggies earlier today...


Thanks Judy. She probably does it for attention. We've had a very tough time in the past couple months and I will admit our one on one time is not what it used to be.

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She eats most of it. The crumbles from the bigger pellets are still in the bowl and she had veggies earlier today...


Thanks Judy. She probably does it for attention. We've had a very tough time in the past couple months and I will admit our one on one time is not what it used to be.

Then that's what it is then, she feels she is not getting what she should and is being vocal about it, hope things improve soon so Pearl gets what she needs.

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Then that's what it is then, she feels she is not getting what she should and is being vocal about it, hope things improve soon so Pearl gets what she needs.


I'm sure others on the board have experienced some sort of tragedy in their life with a Grey...

My mother-in-law's house burned to the ground in October. Our niece and nephew lived there and our 7 year old nephew passed away in the fire. Our niece stayed with us for about a month while my mother-in-law recuperated at my mother's from a heal fracture she suffered jumping from a second story window to escape. Once our niece moved back in with her parents, my mother-in-law was on two feet and able to navigate our front steps. Now she is living with us while her home is rebuilt.


Pearl has been a little trooper. We had loads of people dropping by immediately after along with Thanksgiving (25 people), and family moving in and out. It's been stressful for everyone, and I'm sure, especially our Pearl. Any tips as to how to keep her comfortable would be greatly appreciated.

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Wow, it sounds like you have been through a lot. I am very sorry for your loss and for the stress you must be going through.


From the video, I thought perhaps Pearl was a new baby, until I looked at your sig. I noticed the "pumping" on your finger tip. She is doing what our Greys did when they were still taking formula (which Mar did for an excessively long time). Mar enjoyed the formula and often begged even well past the time he was weaned. Alex (our Sun Conure) STILL pumps on my finger or knuckle and he is almost three. I think he was weaned too early (as well as being clipped before he ever flew). I was concerned about this behavior but when I asked our board-certified and very experienced avian vet what I should do to prevent it, she said it could actually turn out be a good thing. She suggested if they were begging and pumping to give them a little syringe of something tasty once in a while, and then if they ever get sick and need medicine, it will be much easier to get them to take it. So far, Alex has been the picture of health, however Marden injured his left knee a couple weeks ago, and had to take an anti-inflammatory medication. The vet was right. He nuzzles that syringe and takes the medicine like he thinks he is getting hand-fed a tasty treat.


I think Pearl is adorable. It may be with all the stress and so many people around that she is wanting extra attention, and remembers getting lots of attention during the time she was being fed as a baby. Naturally she will try to re-create the behavior that got her the attention successfully at that time. It reminds me of children who go through stress and revert to sucking their thumbs or talking baby-talk many years after they had previously quit these behaviors.


Sending thoughts and prayers for you and your family.

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My CAG, a big lug of a guy is afraid of new people, even the little ones just wanting to take a peek at the big bird. He screams like a banshee and fluffs up like a big monster to scare the "bad" human off. He is getting much better now as he has gotten older and just fluffs up but no screams (thank the lord).


I would just move your grey to another room during this time of lots of company. That would make life easier for all.

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