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Christmas Eve Cryoseism in Southern Ontario


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On Christmas Eve Dorian had several night frights, and I heard what I thought was sheets of ice falling off my roof, after two ice storms in a 24 hr period left thick sheets of the stuff everywhere. (Thankfully, I never lost power). In the morning though I looked and no ice sheets on the ground around the house. Well, I just heard on the radio that we had several Cryoseisms here that night. They're also called ice quakes, when water deep in the ground freezes suddenly and causes the earth to quake. I'd never heard of them before, but they sure scared Dorion. He's holding a grudge against his sleeping perch, as if it's to blame for the fright because he was on it when he was scared. Poor guy. Neither of us got much sleep that night.

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Wow Marguerite, never heard of such a thing but animals are so much more sensitive to the earth's movements than we are so I am sure Dorian was very shaken by the experience, hope you never have another one. I feel the same way about derechos, I had never heard of it before but I sure felt and saw its power when we experienced one in the summer of 2012, never want to again.

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Thanks guys. It really was a bizarre experience. A loud booming, but sounding like it was at some distance, and a very slight shaking. I'd just get Dorian settled down and crawl back into bed, and I'd hear him flapping around in his cage again and find him at the bottom wild eyed. I finally left his door cracked open with the hall light on where he could see me across the hall and we both got some sleep. I've lived in Ontario my whole Life and had never heard of such a thing. Glad the mystery of what scared him was solved though.

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wow I havent had any experiences with night frieghts with marco :( I am glad you both got thru it. sorry but I did giggle when I read that dorian was unforgiving of his perch ... hope hes much better now! :D


Yeah, he forgave his perch last night and we had a normal night time routine.

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