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Isaac Is Taking Out Tummy Feathers


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If he is hormonal and already doing things like regurging for you, I've learned here that it's best to restrict touches to head and neck scratches. Otherwise you risk confusing and frustrating him. Let us know when the blood work results are in and try not to stress. <3



Yeah....lately he had been trying to regurgitate to me when I get out of the shower. He is always so welcome to kisses and cuddles, but maybe it's not the best thing right now. When I think about it, I probably 'adore' him just a little too much....which would also be an understatement. Maybe a little more adoration from afar.

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Thats good news on the blood work. The good news is if it's hormonal it will pass in a few more weeks. You and Isaac have always had a special bond and wonderful relationship together. You both need each other equally. :)



I hope your are right about him lightening up on this. Woke up to a decent pile of feathers in his cage this morning. He is working a little on the outside forward parts of his wing. Super sad to watch him do this. I am just stunned really. How he can go from being the perfect preener to a complete basket case. Typically I would never even see a pin feather on his body because he is so diligent about taking care of himself. Is there nothing at all I should do for him?





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Oh dear, Issac has always been a favorite of mine (and you too, of course). Perhaps something has changed. New friend you are seeing so less time for him? Not letting him out as normal? Need for Vitamin D? I hope you get him back on track very soon. I hate to think that you just spoiled him too much so just need to wait it out. Your and Issac's bond has always been great to read about. If I remember right, he escaped once and roamed the sky and area calling for you. So the bond is tremendous. Be calm and talk to him and see what he wants.

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Janet asked some good questions. Especially in regards vitamin D3. Do you have a good avian light over his cage so he is getting plenty of UVA and UVB? I run mine 12 hours day.


Also, do you run a Humidifier? If not, you should. I know Isaac does not like baths. Neither does Dayo. However I lock him in his cage and draped a crappy blanket over the top, back and sides and mist him until he is drenched with Aloe Juice. The times in between these spritzers as it progresses, I notice he will start preening and scratching more until the next drenching. he hate sit and climbs all around for the first minute or so, but then just gives up and sits very annoyed as I continue until he is soaked. He is a little stand offish with me for an hour or two afterwards. But, once he has dried and stewed a little the fun and interaction is back on.


I see from you back shots that he is shredding those feathers. Many times that results from aggressive preening. Also, as he continues to pluck his breast, the irritation will increase exponentially as the pin feathers start coming in. It's really important to keep that area soothed with Aloe Juice by drenching him at least 3x a week in my opinion right now.


If feel for you and Issac buddy. I would be fretting as well if Dayo started that. Hang in there and just know that sometimes we need to force even our young human children to under go things they absolutely hate, but it is necessary for their health. It pisses them off temporarily, but we do it because we love them. :)

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Janet asked some good questions. Especially in regards vitamin D3. Do you have a good avian light over his cage so he is getting plenty of UVA and UVB? I run mine 12 hours day.


Also, do you run a Humidifier? If not, you should. I know Isaac does not like baths. Neither does Dayo. However I lock him in his cage and draped a crappy blanket over the top, back and sides and mist him until he is drenched with Aloe Juice. The times in between these spritzers as it progresses, I notice he will start preening and scratching more until the next drenching. he hate sit and climbs all around for the first minute or so, but then just gives up and sits very annoyed as I continue until he is soaked. He is a little stand offish with me for an hour or two afterwards. But, once he has dried and stewed a little the fun and interaction is back on.


I see from you back shots that he is shredding those feathers. Many times that results from aggressive preening. Also, as he continues to pluck his breast, the irritation will increase exponentially as the pin feathers start coming in. It's really important to keep that area soothed with Aloe Juice by drenching him at least 3x a week in my opinion right now.


If feel for you and Issac buddy. I would be fretting as well if Dayo started that. Hang in there and just know that sometimes we need to force even our young human children to under go things they absolutely hate, but it is necessary for their health. It pisses them off temporarily, but we do it because we love them. :)



I don't have an avian light for him actually. I can get one though. I would like to know what I should get though as the last time I researched this, I researched it out of the question. Where do I get Aloe Juice that can be used on Isaac? You humidify him with Aloe? How do you do this?

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Easiest place to find Natural Organic Aloe juice is major drug chains. Walmart is the cheapest I've found, though. It's usually somewhere in the pharmaceutical section & the people behind the counter don't usually know where. Ask them to check inventory. If the stores around you don't have it, they can get it or you can order online & ship to store. And no, you don't use it in the humidifier. Only direct spraying.


Lighting is required to be 5500K. You can get a fancy rig at a pet supplier. You can also buy a bulb & put it into any lamp. I've just switched out my normal lamp bulbs so that all the lamps around the fids have them. I got them on Ebay.

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I use the Avian Sun 5.0 bulb and stand. Here is a link for you: http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=5059+5690+24615&pcatid=24615


I use an air-o-swiss Humidifier I run about 4 feet away from Dayo's cage : http://www.allergybuyersclub.com/air-o-swiss-7144-ultrasonic-warm-cool-mist-humidifiers.html?itemId=2120


I don't "Humidify" Dayo with Aloe Juice. I just drench him using a squeeze spray bottle filled with it. You can purchase 100 percent pure Aloe Juice at walmart, walgreens etc. YOu normally find them in the pharmaceutical stomach, antacid, diarrhea etc. area.

Edited by danmcq
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What if I pop some of these in a ceiling fixture above his cage....how close do they have to be?



The ceiling fixture is way too high. The lamp must be 12" from the top of Isaac's head when he is on his favorite perch/roosting spot when in his cage. Note: When first breaking in the Avian Sun 5.0 lamp,, it needs to be 18" above the head for the first 30 days due to higher output levels until it is "Burned in".

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The ceiling fixture is way too high. The lamp must be 12" from the top of Isaac's head when he is on his favorite perch/roosting spot when in his cage. Note: When first breaking in the Avian Sun 5.0 lamp,, it needs to be 18" above the head for the first 30 days due to higher output levels until it is "Burned in".



Okay...that looks manageable...I have an outlet by the cage. The prospect of spending 200 bucks on a humidifier isn't awesome so soon after Christmas and spending 200 on the vet bill. I have wanted one though...I will have to see what I can do.

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I wonder if I have been having too much physical contact with him. Sometimes I can't resist rubbing my face on him, or kissing him on his back...or beak...or tummy...or the top of his head...side of the beak......ok..... I am a bit fanatical about him at times. I have heard that it might not be good to do because it could further make difficult feelings they get around mating season. I will try not to kiss him too much. LOL


Sorry, but most of the physicality is probably going to make things worse at the moment. Contact would be better limited to his head. You can rub his beak & feet. But don't pinch his beak between your fingers to encourage a regurgitation reflex. Definitely no body contact.


If he wants to snuggle, I guess I'd let him because I think it would be upsetting if you didn't since it's part of your normal relationship. But, I don't think you should do anything physical while he's on you. And I'd really try to limit it to just a minute or two then distract him vs strictly speaking stop him, if that makes sense, so he doesn't feel rejected.


I know this is like one of those nightmares where you want to pull someone out of harm's way but all you can do is watch because you're frozen in place. I am sorry. I really do feel your pain about this. But it's really important to try as best as you can to minimize your own stress so you don't feed it to Isaac because it will only make it worse.


Did you ask the vet about feeding Chamomile? btw

Edited by birdhouse
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I had to replace my humidifier this year and got this one http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00826ORV2/ref=oh_details_o07_s01_i01?ie=UTF8&psc=1


Really pleased so far. It lets you set the humidity you want in the room and kicks on and off automatically, which is why I was willing to pay the $79. Lots of choices out there, and like Dan said you can get something that will do the job at Walmart.

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Any best instructions on how to wet his tummy with aloe juice will be greatly appreciated too. He will attempt to remove my trigger finger if I point a spray bottle at him. LOL....so alternatives are good.


What are you saying?!? You're not willing to bleed a little for the sake of Isaac's comfort! Wow, I obviously thought you were a much more dedicated parront. You disappoint me Stephen. You really do. :rolleyes:


So, well, okay, if you insist on being a woosie about this, you can always get yourself a nice, new pair of heavy canvas work gloves to protect you delicate lily whites. :D


And before you drop a bundle on a new humidifier, you might take a shot to see if you get lucky on Craig's List.

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Any best instructions on how to wet his tummy with aloe juice will be greatly appreciated too. He will attempt to remove my trigger finger if I point a spray bottle at him. LOL....so alternatives are good.


The way I do it, is I set the spray nozzle to a fine to medium mist level by turning the nozzle from a full stream to adjust the setting just right. Then I start spraying him through the cage bars. He will climb around the cage at first, sometimes even flap to the bottom and I just keep pumping as I follow him as he climbs back up. After he gives up and remains fairly still in one spot, I then just keep gently misting him from the bottom up until his breast is totally soaked. As the mist hits the breast, there is also an over spray due to how wide the cone of water droplets are dispersed. These end up soaking his head and back midway down as well. Then when he is fully drenched on the bottom, I start spraying from the top and get his back and wings totally soaked. While he is sitting still in utter defeat, I open the cage door at stick my arm in just far enough to gain a better spraying point that overcomes some limitations when doing so through the bars. You'll figure all this out as you go. The most important thing, is to just start misting him. :)

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I believe birdhouse was just jesting tongue in cheek at your being a Wussie and to use a thick leather glove. I must admit, i laughed out loud reading it. Gotta have a mini humor escape during such a stressful time. :P



I really, truly believe at some point, a sense of humor is the best defense w/some of our fids' issues. We help feed the Crazy when we get lost in things they do because our fids *always* react to our emotions. When they're already unhinged about something, it does not help to add our issues to theirs but it's very easy to do.


I know exactly how devoted Stephen is. So yes I was kidding about being a woosie. But now I don't know if I should feel bad that I tried to lighten things up for a minute. Really, really sorry if those little smiley faces didn't convey that. :(


I was however serious about using *canvas* gloves for protection while spraying since Isaac is that angry about being bathed. Don't know about leather, though. Who knows how it might have been treated & I fully expect Isaac will be ripping into them given the slightest opportunity.

Edited by birdhouse
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Has there been a drastic change in your routine over the holidays? A big scary tree? Your daughter over more/less/on a different schedule? I can't help but think maybe it has something to do with the festivities of this time of year.


Zoomed has a floor lamp for the avian sun bulb. It depends how tall your cage is.

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I had to replace my humidifier this year and got this one http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00826ORV2/ref=oh_details_o07_s01_i01?ie=UTF8&psc=1


Really pleased so far. It lets you set the humidity you want in the room and kicks on and off automatically, which is why I was willing to pay the $79. Lots of choices out there, and like Dan said you can get something that will do the job at Walmart.



Just picked this up at Target. Thanks for the recommendation. It's running about 6 feet away from his cage right now....humidifying. I also stopped by the bird store and got 4 new toys for him along with a new rope for him to sit on in his cage. None of the new toys scared him at all so it looks like he's got a fresh clean cage with some new fun stuff to play with. He didn't pick when I was out at the store for 3 hours.

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