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Happy Birthday Marco


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Marco sleeping.jpg


Soooo I can not believe Im about to report that 2 years have FLOWN by (no punn intended) and Marco is now into the terrible 2's stage lol.

Yanno in the beginning, I think I just wanted a "cool parrot" that could talk and I could show off. I had NO clue what I was getting myself into :confused:. Id never owned a bird. I was a dog/cat type person. Infact birds scared me. :o

Who would of thought 2 years ago I would of let some tiny lil grey barely feathered thing into my life and she would change it to the magnitude she has. I do contribute alot of my decision in getting her to the amazing petstore that hand raised her, cared so deeply for not only her but for me and taught me alot about owning a parrot, and I contribute the rest to ya'll that have helped me along in this journey.

Not for 1 moment have I regretted my decision to bring Marco into my life. She is so awesome and gets smarter every day its just amazing to watch. So :)

SO ... Happy 2nd Birthday my little Marco may the years from 2-5 fly by LOL so I dont have to say what a lil terror you have turned into :rolleyes: :o;)

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Awww Marco and I thank you for sure ya'll have definately been a HUGE part of her life. Shes spoiled EVERY day of her life lol (just ask my kids) when they see me cooking food just for her and the huge room filled with toys just for her :o

She has made such an addition to our family and Id have it no other way! :D Her antics her jabbering keeps us on our toes and usually a smile in our heart and face :o

Anyways ... I havent seen alot of changes in her as far as the terrible 2's. Just alot more vocal shes started conversing with us now. She is definately MY baby and Im so thankful I made the decision to get her 2 years ago! :D Ya'll are just super!

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