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New hanging grapevine gym


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The red plastic is just a small tube thing over the chain it came with. But I have it hanging on a PVC guard I made and wrapped it with vet wrap. I'll get a pic tomorow of that. It's basically 2" PVC (I think) with end caps and I screwed eye hooks on the end caps. And by I, I mean my husband lol.

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Very nice! I was so excited this morning. In August, I had hung a large boing for Timber which is accessible from the playtop of his cage. While he wasn't terrified of it he had no apparent interest in it, no matter what the bribe. I was talking to my mother on the phone this morning and watched him gingerly step off on the boing and climb to the top. After 45 minutes he is still on it. I'm just tickled.


So, note to those who have a "timid" bird like Timber, don't give up! Just give them time :)

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Wow, KimKim, score!! Quite a nice little steal. Nice job hanging it & nice pic, too. Babalau looks pretty happy w/it. :)


Congrats to you & Timber, Karen! Always a greyt feeling when they finally come around. Phenix was basically the same story. Once he suddenly discovered the thing, it became his favoritest. So, hopfully, it will be worth the wait w/Timber, too.

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