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I do not use mirrors in my birds' cages for aggression issues, masturbation issues, and hormonal issues. But, today, I had Bailey on my shoulder, and was passing a floor length mirror in the bedroom. I stopped to see his reaction. He looked at the reflection. He gave it the "one eye look", then looked at me, then back to my refection, then back to me. And did this several times, as if wondering, who was the real me, or how come there was suddenly two of me, or "what the heck is going on?" And gave up, and climbed behind my head, so, he couldn't see any of this nonsense. He really didn't seem interested in his own reflection. Which I thought he might interpret as another bird. Or possibly realize was himself. He paid that no mind. Anybody else have experiences with mirrors and their birds?

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Wow, what a coincidence this post is. Just tonight I had a mirror experience with Gracie. Gracie's cage is right next to a mirror and she often climbs on it and looks at herself and pecks the mirror. Well, Gracie and I have a routine where I say "Gracie want a touch?" and she comes over and presses her beak against my hand or shoulder. Well tonight I decided to try an experiment. I said, "Gracie want a touch?" and she came over to touch me. Then I said, "Touch Gracie". She cocked her head--and immediately went to the mirror and touched it "beak to beak". I was amazed. Just to test it, I tried it again three of four times, and each time she went to the mirror and "touched Gracie". I know the jury is out whether Greys recognize themselves in the mirror, but I was absolutely convinced she knew that image in the mirror was indeed herself. I didn't coax or motion to the mirror--she figured it out on her own.

Edited by JeffNOK
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No jury needed here. We have four birds. Our Parrotlet, Conure and the Caique react as if there is another bird in the mirror. Greycie does not. She stares at it like she knows she's staring at a double, or something strange. When I play youtubes of other birds (esp. Einstein) on our flat screen, she reacts differently as if she's looking at another real bird, which she is sort of. Mirrors work really well for the pea-brains, not so much for the uber::smart Greys!


It kind of makes me sad in a way to look at our Caique and know he doesn't have the same brain-power. He looks up at us with that cute little eye and I know there's just not that much in his little head. Doesn't seem to be by size either....as our Conure is on the bottom of the smartness totem pole, then the Parrotlet and Caique are at the same level. Greycie is quite a ways above them all.

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Having several birds of different species, I agree about the intelligence difference. And yes, my Grey is at the top of that totem pole, as well. My Lovebird seems to recognize that it is him in the mirror. And the Budgies keep me guessing by their different reactions each time. The Parrotlet is also up there in the brains dept. My Cockatiel seems smart, but, doesn't seem to care whether she shows it or not, unless it's to her advantage. She's rather a birdy sociopath. :)

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I have a mirror in the bird room, and in the living room. My parrots do not care about them one way or the other. The times they have looked into a mirror with me, they just look at me to see what I am doing. Ana Grey has reached for a touch of lipstick a time or two, but I say no because, well... she is only 5.

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Timbersmom you are tough! Sixteen? We have mirrors all over our house. Sunny has a ton in his cage. I guess he is vain! LOL Sophie will regurg to the mirror when I am getting ready. I guess she is regurging to herself! She got use to mirrors when the other birds were in the shower. Started talking to them. I wish she would go in the shower instead of having a conversation with the mirror. Nancy

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