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What to do with a naughty bird who pulls her (not efficiently) locking food bowls out


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Well, someone is apparently in her terrible twos.


Maui has always been able to pull one of her food bowls out. I just leave it out.

But, yesterday she started pulling out her actual food bowl out and dumping it.


These are supposed to be locking. The little snot can get them out.


Any suggestions?


I just started filling it with less food so that she doesn't waste so much.



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No worries! There's an app for that. :) in this case alternative product possibilities.


The easiest solution in the long run is if you can find another bowl that fits better. Look for one that's about the same size, but slightly different shaped around the edge. Stainless dog bowls are probably your best shot.


If you can't find one, there's a bunch of locking bowl alternatives. These are just a few. When I went thru this w/Phenix, many, many moons ago, there was only the King's cup. It not only worked like a charm but I still have it.











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Oh wow. Why do our greys get such perverse pleasure out of dumping their food bowls? This food dumping is My CAG Gracie's favorite activity. She will go to any length to toss the bowl as far as possible. Then she announces, "Gracie dump food bowl. Gracie is a stinker!" She especially loves to do this when we visit my parents and she can dump the bowl to be devoured by the dog. She calls, "Barkleah, come here!" Then she dumps the bowl on the floor and watches while the greedy terrier consumes the food. Needless to say--the dog thinks Gracie is "the bomb".

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I have no idea why Greys pull and dump their food bowls:confused: They probably do it just for fun:)

My Poly used to drop the bowl in the cage when he was two years old. After two weeks of his "enjoyment" I decided to stop it. I have placed bigger and heavier stainless steel bowls so Poly had to put huge efforts to pull them out. Then, after he had pulled and dumped the bowls I would have not lift them and would not filled with food again. I would left them dumped for 2-3 hours before placing them back and refiling with food. For two weeks he quit this annoying habit. I guess he considered that it is not worth to get tired in pulling bowls that only brings him to wait for a food for 3 hours.:)

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Oh wow. Why do our greys get such perverse pleasure out of dumping their food bowls?


Phenix purely loves to take things apart. If he can make a mess doing it, so much the better. If it makes a mess & scares the ever lovin out of everyone else when it comes crashing down, it's the greytest!!




She calls, "Barkleah, come here!" Then she dumps the bowl on the floor and watches while the greedy terrier consumes the food. Needless to say--the dog thinks Gracie is "the bomb".




To be on the safe side I hand feed the birds things like grapes & raisins because they will share anything they get to eat w/the dogs. Not just the stuff they don't like. Everything. In all the years I've lived w/them, every bird we've had has fed every dog we've had.


Even when Charm who doesn't speak a word of human calls in Quaker speak, they come right over & sit for a treat.


What surprises me is that I'd expect of anyone, she'd be the one to tease them because she's my imp. But as soon as they're sitting politely, she'll very deliberately put something thru the bars in just the right spot so it lands at their feet to reward them. Birds very definitely have a "thing" about feeding dogs.


I can't help it. I think it's just adorable. :)

Edited by birdhouse
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My three don't dump their bowls but they do love to take every piece out of their bowls to examine, either to eat or dump on the bottom of their cages. My zon is the neatest, I believe because he is a re-home that was neglected in the begining of his life and has learned to appreciate where his next meal is coming from.

Edited by luvparrots
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Aww, I got a lump in my throat just thinking of a poor baby of any kind, dog, cat, fish, etc. being neglected. We have been told that we spoil our babies rotten but that they are so good. They are our precious babies and I know that we are blessed to have them in our lives. Both of our cats were thrown away like garbage so they came home with me, my one dog came home instead of the paper towels that I had gone to the store to get and got side tracked by this cute little puppy being given away outside the store, my sun conure came home when I saw that she/he was being neglected at the store. My little Papillion was a gift from my friend when our 13 1/2 year old Siberian Husky passed away and my beautiful Phoenix was chosen by me.

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I was just coming on here to post about Radar dumping his dish when I saw this thread! Radar has taken to throwing and flipping his food dish off the top of the cage. It started innocently enough, when he was playing a very rowdy game with a kid involving a wind up toy and he was a little too excited. But he has now done it everyday since. He is also knocking all of his perches down inside the cage, and unscrewing the caps of the rope perches so they fall. Oh, and he figured out how to unlock the doors from the outside.


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Cinnyminis... Total baby stuff! Thats what they do! Sophie and gang did so, until around the age of four. Ignore the behavior, refill 1/2 the way, make no comment. They DO outgrow it. They unscrew, try to unlock the doors. Make sure you have child locked kitchen cabinets, no drawstrings for shades. TOTAL safety is the most important thing age. Nancy

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Brutus LOVES to unlatch Jimpster's food and water and dump them on the floor. I use locking metal clamps to stop him but he still tries. The clamps do work. And yes, Nancy's right they get bored with doing this after awhile and look for a new target to destroy. Because they are so smart, this kind of stuff is part and parcel of owning an African Grey. For me, it comes down to giving them better choices in order to draw their attention elsewhere. For example, Brutus has lately taken a liking to destroying some wood trim in my bedroom. I am going to cover it with paper, plus I have moved one of his perches nearby, so he can learn to land there instead. It SHOULD work, in theory anyway...

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