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I was gone for 10 days!


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I was away for 10 days and I missed my babies terribly. I would talk to them on the phone and Phoenix would chatter at me. I practically filled a suitcase with toys for them and my Conure got a new cage which of course was delivered the day after I left. I now know that I can't be away from them for that long but I know my Hubby just spoiled them rotten. It's good to be home.

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I left my grey for 3 days once. She stayed with my parents, who she likes very much. Even so, I called several times a day to check on her. When I got home I expected Gracie to greet me with the exuberance of a Labrador, but instead I got the cold shoulder-er--cold wing. She fell in love with my father in my absence. I was crushed.

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BaileysPapa... hope all is well! Birds know when you are ill, or injured. They adjust! I broke my foot three days ago... home on disability. Dogs have slowed their pace so I can keep up with walking them. Sophie is " out of control", with kisses, hugs, and regurg. Today, she hung with me all day. Preening me, trying to clean my teeth, that I don't allow.... it was too much! Kids will be home from college soon. Hope they can distract her. I shouldn't complain about being " too loved"... she needs to give me space! Nancy

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Its good to get away but its better coming home to the ones you love especially when they missed you. I was gone for nearly two weeks recently and now my grey is more friendly with my hubby as a result, well she had no one else to go to and she still goes over to him in the evenings when he is home but its all good when you have someone who takes good care of your beloved fids in your absence.

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I am about to get crushed also. Ryan coming home from college. It has been a year. I have gone to visit him and luckily Sophie hasn't punished me. She had a great caretaker.... but she couldn't give me the cold shoulder, as I am the only one here! I am ready for the moment Ryan walks in the door to be an after thought. MAYHEM is about to happen! He is bringing home a dog he has had for a year, just had knee surgery.We already agreed their paths are not to be crossed. Pup kenneled when Sophie out, Sophie's door closed when pup out. I broke my foot, so out on disability. The good thing about that... I can be " air traffic controller." Nancy

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