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Recommended Vegetables for PICKY Grey?


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Gracie doesn't like leafy greens either. She likes peas, corn, carrots, cauliflower, different beans (navy/kidney), and potato and sweet potato. You might try some of those. Good luck.


She also loves corns and beans; but hates carrots and dislikes peas which I forgot to add.


I don't care for beans though as much, I want her to eat more veggies..


the problem is that I want her to eat dark green veggies more :{

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Sneaking them in w/other foods can really help w/some fids. You can puree or very finely chop some greens & slip a little into anything mushy like oatmeal or applesauce. Don't worry whether you'd like the combination because they have very different tastes. You can also put a couple of pinches of chopped greens in w/dice peppers or chopped broccoli. If she doesn't refuse to eat any of the "good" veggies, then she'll be getting used to the taste & smell of the "bad" ones.


If she likes peanut butter or juice you can put a little of that into the mix as well. Basically, anything to help camouflage the greens so she doesn't really realize what she's eating. The important thing is to keep offering them & keep trying different ones.


Also, you said she likes broccoli. Buds & stems? Have you tried broccoli leaves?

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Other than chops and mashes, you could try baby food. I use various methods of feeding my birds. You could also mix baby food in a cornbread mix and make "birdy bread". I've fooled a lot of birds into eating healthy things they didn't like by making a veggie baby food/cornbread birdy bread. Sometimes they'll eat things one way, other times not. Also, keep trying. Just because they won't eat something today, does not mean that they won't eat it tomorrow. And, conversely, what they eat today, they may not eat tomorrow.

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She also loves corns and beans; but hates carrots and dislikes peas which I forgot to add.


I don't care for beans though as much, I want her to eat more veggies..


the problem is that I want her to eat dark green veggies more :{


Have you ever tried peas in a pod, like sugar snap peas? Mine love those I think just for the fun of stripping them from the pods. Also, another trick I use is the "kabob" skewers. We have the metal ones they sell at the bird store. Small bird ones have bells, the heavy duty for the greys are just the rod with a loop on one end and a screw end that screws into a loop with a quick link. I just shove it through the veggies and they think it is a game. Good luck. It's never easy to get them to eat things we want them to eat!

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