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Update on SweetHeart


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Well I wanted to give an update cause I know in two different posts I had Dan & Radar asking for an update today. So to just put it all together was better.


She seems a bit better today, the kitten my daughter has didn't help matters any last night. The kitten tore off the blanket we had covering the cage and scared the crap out of her. So we are trying to figure out what to do with the kitten at night now and while we are gone at work so he doesn't terrorize SweetHeart. He doesn't terrorize the other parrot we have, I think he's just curious.

Anyway SweetHeart was sweeter today. She is starting to live up to her name. She was a little nervous this morning because of the kitten but when she saw me she started making all these different sounds that of course I hadn't heard yet. She kept coming to the front of the cage and yelling for me basically. So I put everything up (animal wise) and took her out. I put her on top of her play gym and talked to her and she started to eat her seeds that I have up there for her for her treat. So I went into the kitchen which you can see openly from the living room where she is and I was fixing the kids something to eat. Next thing I knew she was flying in there with us. She landed on the counter and I fixed her an egg which she didn't eat. Tried to give her a bowl of water so she could take a bath and she didn't want that either. I told her to step up and she sat there on my hand for about the longest she has ever sat on there and I talked and told her how pretty she was and she just cocked her head like she loved what I was saying. Then she worked her way up my arm and she sat on my shoulder and I gave her kisses on the back of the head!!! I loved it! She has been out on her play gym since 9 this morning and it's about noon here now. She has only flown off once compared to the million times yesterday. I think she is settling down a bit. She still won't let my husband get near her yet. We will get to that at a later date. I told the kids cause they were anxious to hold her that we would try next week when things are a little more settled in with her and she knows that no one is going to hurt her. Thank you all for being here and calming my nerves!!!

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Thanks Ronda!


It's good to hear she is settling in and calling to her momma :-)


It sounds like she is already becoming interactive with you and is keenly interested in seeing what her Mom is doing and wants to teach her ;-)


Right now it sounds like you are her most trusted new clutch member and the rest of your household will become so over the next few days as you so wisely set expectations at for your children.


Good luck with the ever inquisitive Cat :P

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We have a feral cat that lives with us. When I want birds out or we are not home we lock her up in a bed room.

To do this you have to start out with short times when your at home. In the mean time get a crate big enough for a small litter pan, food and water. That way she can get crazy in there and not ruin any of your stuff when you have to leave her long periods at a time. Or maybe cat proof a bathroom to have her in when your at work and at night.

All my cats/dogs are crate trained. Now if I have a crate on the floor its a battle to see how many can fit into it to sleep. lol Its really funny the dogs normally win this fight and there well be three or four piled up on top of each other. When the cats win only one gets in cause the two of them wont share.

Crate training is very easy when they are little and most love the crate. I only have one outside dog that never really liked it much and still have to fight her to get her in one. Not bad considering I have 8 dogs and all but her are crate trained with very little effort on my part.

Good luck

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Yes we thought about doing that as well. Our two little dogs are still crate trained. We did our labs when they were little but they are much older now and they are just happy to lay down. We do keep them in the hallway when we are gone though, just got new carpet in living room and since our one dog is getting pretty old she sometimes will have an accident. But Bob the kitten lol loves to sleep in our daughter's room the majority of the time so we are trying to talk her into having a cat pan in there as well and lock him up in there at night and while we are at work. We do have a second house (our in-law suite) lol next door if we absolutely have to keep him over there at least while we are at work. He could have free roam of that house while we are working and than be locked with my daughter at night. She's not liking that idea so far though. But I'm sure we will work something out. Thanks for the advice though!:)

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I'm glad to hear that it is going well for Sweetheart and you, see she will settle in nicely, it just takes time to get used to new surroundings. You are doing very well with her already and I know you are going to make an excellent parront to her.


Do whatever you have to to insure the safety of Sweetheart, you don't want any harm to come to her from the kitten but in time it will be better for they will be more used to each other.


Thanks for the informative update, you do a great job of keeping us informed of the progress of your new flock member and keep up the good work, you are doing a wonderful job.

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