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Dancing with me


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Sometimes I get in the mood to just turn on music and dance around the livingroom especially when I'm baking. Most of the time I'm just being silly with the dog. Last week I was doing a lot of baking so between batches I picked up Escher to see what he would do. He made his happy noises as I was dancing and spinning him around with me. Well today I'm baking and have Christmas music playing and I started singing and dancing and my little one started begging me to pick him up. So to get to the point I think Escher likes when we sing and dance together.

Edited by Sanveaz
fixing a word to make sense
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AWESOME! Sophie especially loves " the Sound of Music", especially " Do a Dear"... her FAVORITE! But when kids come home from college, she goes rap crazy! She has great rhythm, songs are clean, so I am okay with it. Head bobbing and clucking perfectly to the beat. Ryan will be home in three weeks. I'm ready for the change of music! YIKES! Nancy

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Dayo loves dancing with music as well. It just makes sense that birds with such a mental ability for hearing and reproducing sounds would also have an appreciation for music and of course their african roots gives them "Rhythm". Here's a video of Dayo showing his appreciation of music.



Edited by danmcq
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Our dancing had slowed down some when Gus moved in, he was scared of the movement but thats changing! We have a channel on the tv that is party music from 80's to now and i get to dancing and Bubba and Oliver will start swaying back and forth then Gabby joins with the head bobbing and then Bongo with full body bobbing. Bongo will stretch out as tall as he can then drop his body flat, he will throw in some head bobs for good measure. Gus has started to sway and bounce with us. Lilly and Cotay give us the "you all look stupid" look but we have caught Lilly trying to bust some moves when she thinks we are not looking! Gabby will head bob and smack her beak on the glass table or countertop if we snap our fingers to the music during the dance while Bongo makes the snap noise right along with us.

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Inara and I dance together every late afternoon, early evening, before or after her supper. She loooooooves it! I ask her if she wants to "rock and roll" and I have made a play list of what appear to be her favorites. At the top of her list is "Walk Like an Egyptian" by the Bangles. When she hears the first few notes of it, she fluffs up and says, "Roll!" The other day, she was lifting up her foot to show me her toes and I said, "Are you walking like an Egyptian?" She replied, "rock and roll." She likes to move back and forth on her larger mobile perch, at the very top, and then flap the crap out of her wings while we're "rocking and rolling." When she does that, I shout, "Rock and Roll!" and I dance wildly. It's great exercise for her, and so much silly fun for the two of us. She really loves Neil Young's "Harvest Moon," I have no idea why, but she quiets down a bit and listens, and bobs her head to that one.


Often, I'll put her on my shoulder and we'll sway dance with each other to slower music.

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Inara and I dance together every late afternoon, early evening, before or after her supper. She loooooooves it! I ask her if she wants to "rock and roll" and I have made a play list of what appear to be her favorites. At the top of her list is "Walk Like an Egyptian" by the Bangles. When she hears the first few notes of it, she fluffs up and says, "Roll!" The other day, she was lifting up her foot to show me her toes and I said, "Are you walking like an Egyptian?" She replied, "rock and roll." She likes to move back and forth on her larger mobile perch, at the very top, and then flap the crap out of her wings while we're "rocking and rolling." When she does that, I shout, "Rock and Roll!" and I dance wildly. It's great exercise for her, and so much silly fun for the two of us. She really loves Neil Young's "Harvest Moon," I have no idea why, but she quiets down a bit and listens, and bobs her head to that one.

Often, I'll put her on my shoulder and we'll sway dance with each other to slower music.


You have got to get that on video!!! :)

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Dayo loves dancing with music as well. It just makes sense that birds with such a mental ability for hearing and reproducing sounds would also have an appreciation for music and of course their african roots gives them "Rhythm". Here's a video of Dayo showing his appreciation of music.




Nickelback's Rock star???? I was expecting Miley Cyrus :):):)

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Megan likes to sing along to music. I have really bizarre tastes in music, very much tempered now by what I will allow little ears to hear (my Tool playlist has gotten VERY short). There is a song by Mike Oldfield called Moonlight Shadow, with Maggie Reilly on vocals. She loves that song and sings along with it every time I play it for her. She doesn't sing the actual words to the song but she has the sweetest little singing voice and it sounds like she's just making up words as she goes, trying to keep up with the melody. We are trying to teach her to sing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" and she is FINALLY starting to sing more than just "Twinkle STAR!" Mar was dancing during music time today but instead of singing he was making loud bird noises, wild Grey sounds and meowing like the cats. Tonight, the "Twinkle" song seems to have gotten the cockatiel wound up for some reason, and he was singing (whistling) his little heart out in between the "You're so cute! Pretty bird! What are ya doin'?" routine. Hehe. I found a version with a real pretty soprano voice singing it. Birds really seem to like those higher voices. Megan also seemed to like the Loreena McKennitt I added to the playlist (Stolen Child) but even though she bobbed her head she did not sing along with it.

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Dayo loves dancing with music as well. It just makes sense that birds with such a mental ability for hearing and reproducing sounds would also have an appreciation for music and of course their african roots gives them "Rhythm". Here's a video of Dayo showing his appreciation of music.




Is that an edited version of Rockstar? Dayo's such an adorable bird! I am going to show these videos to Mar tomorrow. Maybe he will get the idea. Hehe.

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Wow you guys have such groovy hipster birds. I like to dance some, but Gracie looks at me like I am being undignified. I think she worries about my mental health. I'd love her to "get her groove on", but alas Gracie is the African Grey version of high school librarian. I think I need to show her some YouTube videos of Soul Train.

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JeffNOK.. Are you a NERD? If soooo.... YAY! Ryan is " hiphop cool" Sean is " Nerdy" physics. Driving down to NYC during Thanksgiving... it was just me and Sean. He was giving me several scenarios of planets colliding, etc. I was " yawning!" He asked me " aren't you the least bit excited?" I laughed... I've got NOTHING!!!! We laughed and laughed! I LOVE that Sophie knows what each kid brings to the table. She loves them both , but knows their personalities. Sophie is a hiphop rapper... with an interest in physics! Nancy

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