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Frantic Nail Biting!


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Not sure how to take this...every time I walk over to Dolly's cage she does the heart wings and flutters them and bites every single one of her nails...clicks each and every one in her mouth then starts on the next foot and does the same thing..but it's only when I walk up to her and talk to her. Am I upsetting her? She doesn't seem upset but the nail biting makes me think I'm making her nervous. I talk softly to her and it seems to make her worse...any suggestions? I'm getting a complex!

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Here's a couple things to try. One you could just sit near her and be silent. The other is to walk over say hi and immediately walk away. Both will show her that there are no expectations. It worked for hubby and Neytiri. Also try not to show any emotion to the nail biting or she may do it more.



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From what you described I assume that Dolly may be uncomfortable or stressed of your presence or of something that associates her with you. You might want to look if anything has recently changed with/on you or you have acted in some particular and unusual way that was way out of Dolly's daily routine, that could be stressing Dolly. It could also be something that has become sort of a compulsive behavior. If Dolly is under stress because of you, it is something that involves some investigation and correction. Mention it to your vet the next time you go in for a check up. Hope this helps :)

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Absolutely mention it to your vet. Not sure what you do for your bird. Is cage closed until you get there? Or do you have open cage policy? If cage is closed... open the door, say hello, and walk away. Let bird get comfortable, get his bearings. Come back in an hour... say " Good morning!" How are you? I always worked with my birds off the door. We have " open cage plan", tons of work. Nancy

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