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what is the general age for a breeder to release a fully weined grey to a new owner. Thru my research, generally it is 16 weeks if i am not mistaken. My grey is around 10 - 11 weeks old, and i Just recieved him a few days ago and brought him to his mansion for a cage...


Family with parrots as well, and they always received there;s 16 - 18 weeks. Just want to get a new perspective from all you guys..

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It really depends there is no set age. Example quakers are "suppose" to wean between 8 and 10 weeks of age but I have had some still want a feeding up till 14 weeks.

Let the baby set the pace and don't worry about how old he is. You'll have a much happier bird for it.

Good Luck

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LMG gives you about the right age but it does depend on the individual bird, some take longer and some not. Yours probably should not be weaned yet, are you still handfeeding him?


Why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us a little more about you and this new baby of yours.

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I have always heard Congo Greys wean at 12 weeks, but that is just an average. My grey weaned at 15 weeks, but I have heard of them weaning up to 18 weeks and as young as 10 weeks.


I would watch his weight and make sure he is eating well because most don't wean that early.

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With his weight stable than he is doing good and weaned. Has he started fledging yet? I can't remember the exact age mine started dropping the weight so if he has been stable on his weight now then if he starts loosing but still eating good don't worry it's normal.

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