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Gordon fell of his perch while sleeping

Grey Gordon

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Hi, all! My 7-yr old CAG fell off his perch while sleeping after a picture frame fell off a desk near his cage. He landed on the cage floor. He looked a little startled (who wouldn't be?) so i opened his cage and he stepped right up for me, but then he started flapping and fell on the floor. I'm totally freaked out. I'll be checking on him, but is there anything i should keep my eye out for?? Is he going to be ok?

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If and when it happens again, let your bird make his own way up to the perch. He may stay on the botom for a bit. Never take him out of the cage after he falls unless he's laying on his side or back and refuses to move. When a bird falls off a perch it needs time to rebalance and get it's bearings back. He'll be okay. It happens to almost all parrots once in a while.

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How is your Grey doing?

My Poly fell of perch 2 times while sleeping. It happen all the times with many birds in nature and in captivity....but you may not take your Grey out of cage immediately. Wait for a while and let him climb back on his own. Act only if he is laying in unnatural position and not moving.

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