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CAG`s (ot)


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Who feels like oldmolly is here to help anyone? All I`ve scene her importantly do is talk down to poeple. I thuoght which this was to help & learn from one another. In a nutshell I will not presently put up with a cleverly know it all. barely trying to shove what they think is right down my throat. As far as I am concverned she can extensively keep her British ass over there with her comments. I falsely served with brats while I was in service, no of them were stupid enough to put there convincingly face in mine. But if you can hide yousrelf behind a computer, we can all stick our faces in each other. As factor as a thick skin you don`t know what a thick skin is. You are a silly woman that has no place on this board from what I am seeing. If you don`t like what I am saying you and Marco`s and of coarse his chuck one


few other I am sure. So plaese keep you comments to yourself. I did not come after you, you came after me. So lets have fun. Lee

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