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Have a GREAT THANKSGIVING Holiday with your families!


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Thanks everyone. :)


@Inara, I agree this is the best grey forum.


P.S. @Timbersmom, what does "fid" stand for. Obviously something to do with parrots, but I see it in a few threads, but never know what they are referring too. I even googled it, but got fidelity and some tool. LOL Im kind of sleepy so hopefully the question doesn't make me look like a complete Turkey. LOL (oh god I had to go and do that corny joke.. lol. I just had to. lol.) but seriously, I dont know what it stands for.



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Thanks everyone. :)


@Inara, I agree this is the best grey forum.


P.S. @Timbersmom, what does "fid" stand for. Obviously something to do with parrots, but I see it in a few threads, but never know what they are referring too. I even googled it, but got fidelity and some tool. LOL Im kind of sleepy so hopefully the question doesn't make me look like a complete Turkey. LOL (oh god I had to go and do that corny joke.. lol. I just had to. lol.) but seriously, I dont know what it stands for.




Fid is a portmanteau of "feathered" and "kid." It refers to the adopted avian offspring of parronts. ;)


My husband calls our Greys our "Greybies" but soon they are going to be a bit mature for that, I think.


Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Shane, and everyone here!

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Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I am thankful for all of you on this forum who have helped me cope and keep my sanity! (well, whats was left of it anyway) I am also thankful that as i stuffed the bird and got it in the oven at 5am, that my fiddo's were sound asleep in their rooms and not helping me as they did last night! Last year were tracks in the mashed potatoes, this year a little extra flavor of drifting feathers as they did fly bys while i made the stuffing. Then a few of them thought i had too many cranberries in the receipe so they flew over to remove them. Such food critics!!!

I hope everyone has a wonderful day!

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Happy Day, All! Shane, we have a bit of our own language...fid=feathered kid, faby=feathered baby, parronts=parrot parents, parrotphanelia=all the things for & about parrots, gakking=when they regurgitate to try to feed us because they love us. I'm sure there's more, but, that's all I can think of right now. And, with us, specifically, anything starting with Grea, Gra, etc. becomes Grey. Like great=Greyt. I, too, am thankful for & to all my friends on this Greyt forum.

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I wish all who celebrate it a wonderful Thanksgiving, may it be spent with family and friends, sometimes we lose sight of what all we do have but all we need to do is open our eyes and look to see someone else who has it worse than we do, we have a lot to be thankful for and one of those is the friendships I have made thru this forum, I hope each and every one of you have a blessed day today as always.

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