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Any Input on these two Overnight Cages


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Hello all. I would like to start taking Scarlett with me when I go to my families house, vacation, overnight trips, etc...

(I already have a carrier to carry her around in [converted dog/cat carrier], so just looking for an overnight cage. :)


I did a lot of research and came up with these two cages:


cage 1 - $59 - a few people on this forum have this one




cage 2 - $94.99 - Looks really sturdy (but I don't find the measurements)




I would love any input on these two cages if you guys have them.


I also saw a decent dog cage at Pet Goods for $59 (similar to cage 1), but the bar spacing was 1.25 inches. That seems kind of big for the parrot to get her head stuck? do you guys think 1.25" bar spacing is ok?


Thanks :)

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Thanks Jan Marie & lovparrots

Can the greys slide open the lock? or do you put an extra lock on it?

and can they bite through the bars?


The dog cage I found seemed pretty secure because it required you to unlock it, and then lift the gate before it would open. If these are like that, than that's great.


* I found the dimension for cage 2 - its smaller at 14x18x14

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Shane, dog cages might not be a good idea because of m/t the bs. The bottoms are usually more open squares between the bars. Any fid who figures out how to flip the tray would escape easily. Also, anything that doesn't specifically say "bird safe" paint & metal can potentially be toxic for fids even when it's supposed to be safe for dogs.


This is some of my collection. I have to say that none of them are my idea of perfect. But the red, King's carrier comes closest. Phenix has to have constant supervision if he's in the one like your first pic. It's a little on the wimpy side. It took him about 10 min to start to destroy the spring clips that hold the cage walls together. The spring wire is no match for him, at all.


I do have a giant one of the same style. It's 2.5x the one pictured. I think it's because it was designed to hold macaws & such, the spring clips are a lot more sturdy. But I don't know that he can't figure a way out of that one, either.


The little green one is for the vet & for walks, really. There's no room in it & no cups. It's hot & not the greatest to clean.


The King's carrier is pricey & a little too heavy. I also wish it would fold down. It comes apart & still takes up "a lot" of room when it's broken down. But other than that, it's Phenix proof :P, well thought out & should last forever because it's aluminum. It is very sturdy & I really feel comfortable when a fid is in it.


Near as I can tell, your second carrier is it's closest cousin. From what I can remember when I was looking for mine, that one's heavier & maybe slightly smaller (?). Also breaks down vs folds down. If you're not going second hand (Craig's List & Ebay are our friends!!:cool:) then the MSRP on that one is way less expensive, in part because it's wrought iron, not aluminum.




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@Birdhouse - Thanks I appreciate that detailed input and the pics. Scarlett chews things also, so Im glad you mentioned that because I think she would be the type to get at the clips as well. The Kings looks like a mini cage. very nice! and yes more expensive. Maybe I'll see if my sister wants to get me and Scarlett a Christmas present. LOL but yes the second cage I posted is pretty small at 14 x 18 x 14. That's probably too small.


@SterlingSL - Thank you also. :) Did you have the one that was 14 x 18 x 14? Do you think it is too small for a Grey? I'm thinking 14" is smaller than the wingspan. I better just work on my family to get me a KINGS for a Christmas present. LOLOL actually I will go check craigslist right now. :)


Have a great Thanksgiving everyone! :)

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That's the size we have. It's only suitable for a timeout cage or a feeding cage which is what we use it for. I also put Greycie in it with me in the garage when I'm on my trainer, she'll settle onto the swing I have in there and start making happy noises. I guess it would work for a sleeping cage which is what you mentioned.

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I better just work on my family to get me a KINGS for a Christmas present. LOLOL actually I will go check craigslist right now. :)


lol Or maybe they could chip in. Either way, good luck w/that!


The giant fold down cage is actually not bad. I would be relatively happy to let Phenix use it if I didn't have the KC. I'll have to see if I can find time to get you a pic. But I got mine on CL for $25. It came w/really nice cups & a perch & had never been used because it was too small for their B&G.


If you've got some time & patience, CL can be awesome! ;)

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This is a great thread, timely for holiday travel. I have the white cages and they have served me well for many years. The springs have been removed and I put quick links in place of them. Gilda spent four months in hers when we were called to stay with a sick family member and didn't have a choice. I put rope perches all over the outside so she could come out a d have more room. It want ideal but it worked. We are traveling again and the second cage looks like one I would like to consider.

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