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Glass pie dish


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I don't know what made me try this again today, because it has never worked in the past, but I filled a glass pie dish with water and put it at the bottom of Babalu's cage. He never goes to the bottom of his cage but as soon as I put the dish in there, he went down and used it! I'm so happy, and so is he because he has been talking singing and whistling.




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Sophie has her mandatory shower. She hates it... but knows she has to do it. She LOVES to take a bath in dogs drinking water. ( their bowls are very clean and refreshed twice a day). Dogs and I get annoyed when she chooses to do it.As dogs and Sophie have been swapping " spit" for past decade...I don't go crazy about germs. Nancy


I believe (and maybe it is a nurse thing) that your animals can 'learn' your immunities with sub-pathogenic exposures. That is what a live vaccine is. An exposure to a virus that's too small to make you sick but enough to let your body learn how to fight it off it you ever do find yourself flooded with it. I would be willing to say Sophie has probably built a pretty amazing immune system by now.


How do you give a flighted bird a mandatory shower? Mine fly away until I get tired of chasing them and the whole room is wet.


Mar and Megan like a pie dish (or a giant-size dog dish or crock) on top of Mar's play top. Then they get in and water goes all over. When they do that, they will let me spray them. Or Mar will get on the play stand bowl and fling water and that is my sign to get the shower bottle. The little birds like to bathe only. They hate the bottle, so I just give them bath bowls. Alex is the only one who takes a shower every time it is offered. I call him "Water Bird". I am trying to figure out how to put a bird bath in the playroom without ruining the floor. It may have to wait until I can install waterproof floors.

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