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Warning: This man must be stopped. :D


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Twice now, this man has appeared in our kitchen and caused HRH Inara to take flight in sheer panic!


Perhaps she remembers him from the days when she was temporarily dethroned and forced to work in a bird treat factory. Perhaps she feels his outdated attire is offensive to her refined sensibilities. Perhaps it is because compared to other humans, he appears tiny.


In any event, take heed and report if seen!

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Jeff, maybe that's it. When Joe took the box of Quaker oats out of the grocery bag last week, Inara took flight when she saw it. Then later in the week, when I set the box out on the counter as I was preparing to make some cranberry oat bars, she saw it, and took to the air again! Who knew that he could be so scary? LOL


I do think that because it is, perhaps from her perspective, an oddly small, disembodied head that she finds it weird and startling. Or, it's just an "Inara thing." :D

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