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MOMENTS OF TENDERNESS; bonding with my CAG ...


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Thanks, but I first met him sharing an outdoor aviary with two young CAG's, a blue-fronted amazon and a pair of parakeets who were chasing all the 4, because they were nesting at the time ;)

But he let me give him a head scritch and won my heart instantly :)

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Beautiful pictures. I would love to share similar pics of me and Gracie my CAG, but she is not a "cuddle bird". Her biggest expression of physical affection is to rub her beak on my hand or shoulder for a brief second or two.. I can't pet or scritch her. It may not seem like much, but when she reaches out her beak and says, "Gracie wants touch" and gently rubs her beak against me--it means the world. I am happy you are having good bonding time with your grey. They are really wonderful creatures.

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However, that's really a wonderful story with Gracie too!

You are as lucky to have such a bird.

Btw, I've just read another post on Gracie's vocal abilities, simply amazing and funny at the same time (the story on scoring tests ... and Gracie coming in ;) )

So far Cockey can't speak, he just mimics some sounds and whistles he came with, but has aquired nothing new, though I do hope he will :)

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However, that's really a wonderful story with Gracie too!

You are as lucky to have such a bird.

Btw, I've just read another post on Gracie's vocal abilities, simply amazing and funny at the same time (the story on scoring tests ... and Gracie coming in ;) )

So far Cockey can't speak, he just mimics some sounds and whistles he came with, but has aquired nothing new, though I do hope he will :)


I am very lucky indeed. When I first brought Gracie home I was worried we wouldn't bond because she didn't like physical contact. She is two and a half now, and I couldn't be happier. She shows her love in many other ways, and I lack nothing in my relationship with her. I wouldn't change a thing, although sometimes I say, "Gracie, I want to pet and cuddle you." She just looks at me like..."I don't think so", But then she says, "Gracie loves Daddy soooooo much." How can I complain?

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I'm determined, that kids are going to teach me how to post pics when they get home for Christmas break! I know I showed pics along time ago of my gang. I asked a family friend. Nancy


Yes! Please post some pics of you and your birds. You bring so much to this forum, and I would love to see what you and your flock look like.

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JeffNOK...Gracie is what... two? Has the intelligence... check.... great vocabulary..... check Has a loving parent... check. Now... I got my grey at the age of two. HAD a wonderful owner, who just didn't have the time to care for her. Came here at the age of two. IMMEDIATELY went into terrible twos. She is 13 now, doesn't bite, doesn't chew. Still learns on a daily basis. Doesn't bite anyone in the entire immediate family. Steps up to all of us. My point is, Gracie is young. You can't get " complacent" and think things won't change!

She has the " cognitive ability" now to understand what your expectations are. WHAT is your next step? Nancy

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JeffNOK...Gracie is what... two? Has the intelligence... check.... great vocabulary..... check Has a loving parent... check. Now... I got my grey at the age of two. HAD a wonderful owner, who just didn't have the time to care for her. Came here at the age of two. IMMEDIATELY went into terrible twos. She is 13 now, doesn't bite, doesn't chew. Still learns on a daily basis. Doesn't bite anyone in the entire immediate family. Steps up to all of us. My point is, Gracie is young. You can't get " complacent" and think things won't change!

She has the " cognitive ability" now to understand what your expectations are. WHAT is your next step? Nancy


Nancy, you are right. I have no idea what lies ahead. All I can say is that we currently have a great relationship. Her terrible twos lasted two weeks, and now she is sweet as can be. Will she change her behavior and become a challenge in the future? Maybe--probably! Greys are anything but predictable. They are complex. I don't think I am complacent--I wouldn't want that. You were right to warn against complacency. But, Gracie is my number one priority and as she evolves--so will I. I don't assume all will be smooth sailing--but at this point she is simply a joy. There are no current issues. As challenges arise I will depend on you and the rest of the forum to offer the help you have always generously given. As far as my next step? I seek to connect to her more--expose her to new experiences and people--and love her as much as I can. I don't want to give the impression that I am the perfect parront or that Gracie is the perfect fid. Any complex relationship has ups and downs and detours. But right now I can honestly say there is nothing I would change. But. when the day comes that I am at my wits end and don't know what to do, I will surely rely on you and others to help me through. The fact the Sophie is happy and well adjusted gives me hope that Gracie will follow the same path.

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Sorry all... I do get crazy about Gracie. I will be honest, and admit, she is one of my favorites! I see so much potential between Dad and bird. Nancy


Nancy, you always speak frankly, but in a respectful and helpful way. I continually learn from you and am eager to get your input. No need for apologies.

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Loved, loved the photos, Grumpy! So very sweet -- both of you! Miss Inara likes some snuggles, and then likes to be busy, busy. She 28 months old so is between 2 and 3 years old. She lets me know both vocally as well as with her body language when she wants to have up close and personal time with either myself or my husband. I was delighted the other day when I heard a flutter of wings, and two little feet landed in my lap as she took her first short flight of her own accord from her mobile perch to me. We were both a bit astonished and tickled. :D


Nancy, and Jeff, I appreciated reading your exchange. One of the things that I enjoy so much about this forum and its members is the level of maturity and respect shown to one another, and the nonjudgmental input and feedback given even when opinions differ.


Grumpy, I'll have to see if I can get my Joe to snap a photo of Inara and myself in one of our more snuggley moments, and I look forward to seeing those of others too! Great thread!!

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Nancy, and Jeff, I appreciated reading your exchange. One of the things that I enjoy so much about this forum and its members is the level of maturity and respect shown to one another, and the nonjudgmental input and feedback given even when opinions differ.



One thing I love about this forum is that we love our birds, and we also love the people here who devote their lives to the care of such wonderful animals. I was a complete bird novice when I joined the forum. All the websites said "African Greys are not for beginners.' Yet, I wanted a grey and needed help. If it wasn't for the advice and help from so many committed members here, I don't think Gracie and I would be as happy as we are. I am proud of this forum. I believe as a community we do much good.

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OK, I took these myself and they didn't come out so well. Timber is sitting on my arm (hard to tell in the pics). In the first one he raised his head as I was trying to take the pic. In the second, he has his beak down on my arm (scritch ready) but opened his eyes when he heard me scrabbling with the phone to take the pic!

timber cuddle2.jpg

Timber Cuddle.jpg

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Having a Grey, can be meant for anyone. You don't necessary need experience. Imagine my surprise, when we were chosen to adopt Sophie after interviewing twice out of four applicants. Others had experience, we had none. She was all over us, babbling, we couldn't talk to her dad and answer questions. The interview sucked in my opinion!

We were chosen, had no time to learn a thing about a grey. Picked her up, she escaped her cage immediately while driving home. Climbed on my shoulder, wagging her tail, kids screaming! We were a nightmare family! She taught us quickly. 13 years later, she is still climbing on my shoulder, wagging her tail the moment I walk in the door. My stress level is immediately gone the moment Sophie is with me. I can't imagine life without her. Nancy

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What wonderful pictures. I was lucky in that Escher loved to snuggle from day one. We came home he stepped up for me and sat on my stomach when I kicked back in the recliner and we took a nap together. He has wanted to snuggle ever since, some days more than others. Today he spent over an hour on my chest rubbing his head on my chin and begging for scritches. He's almost 18 months old so hopefully he continues this through his terrible twos. I wish you much happiness and joy with your new fid, may he delight you as much as Escher delights us.

I have found this is the best forum to ask questions. The people here really care about their birds and only want to help you with yours. So far I have not had to do more than post pics and little stories of Escher but I know that if I ever need help they will be here with the best possible advice ever.

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So sweet! I love seeing these photos! I look forward to more. Please keep us posted.


A small update ...


But guys, where are your pics, you should contribute too, wolud be nice to have them as well!

I am quite positive that all of you have established firm bonds with your feathery friends.



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