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New Mom worried!!! What do I do????


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Ok everyone who read my post about bringing my girl home knows everything she went through. She seemed ok until my husband got home this evening. I have had her out of the cage a few times even when I swept the living room and she did fine. My daughter even got to hold her. Now I tried to give her a piece of celery and she totally growled at me. I had her on the top of her play gym and she kept flying off every time someone would come near just to talk to her. She stepped up every time and than I finally just put her back in her cage. Is it us? I am sooo worried maybe she doesn't like us?? I know it hasn't even been 24 hours. I am probably totally over reacting but I don't want to keep her locked in her cage until she gets used to us but she keeps flying off and with all the other animals in the house it's not safe. Although we do put the dogs in the hall when she's on the play gym with a curtain hung there so she can't get down there. Please give me some advice and ease my worries. All I want to do is hold my little one and she won't let me now. Like I said she will but than will fly off. Maybe cause the breeder just let them have free fly of the house, I don't know. Can anyone help???????????????????

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Guest briansmum

it sounds like this is too much too soon for this bird. as you said you haven't even had her 24 hours yet, theres all the new surroundings and new faces and she's probably completely overwhelmed. let her have some time to herself in her cage to asess the situations, maybe another day or so, then open the cage and let her come out on her own. she needs to adjust at her own pace

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Yes, I agree. Let her feel safe in her cage. Leave the door open if it's a convenient time for her to be out and see if she comes out on her own. From my limited experience (I've had Klaus about 4 months) I know that patience is key.

Good luck!

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she comes out with no problem she loves to be at the top of her play gym but that's one of the problems we can't have her flying around the house like the breeder did. We have too many other animals that could get her if she flew off of her gym. When I had her out this morning I put all the other animals up. She does come out but it's like she wants to just fly around. Can she be broke of that? I'm sure we are just expecting too much out of her too soon. When I come into the room or my husband she gets off her little swing and acts crazy. She flies around her cage and I'm afraid she's going to get hurt. I had my hair up yesterday and I do have very long hair. Where as the breeder had very very short hair. I'm just trying to pull things out of the air to figure it out. Again it's only been 24 hours not even I think I'm worrying too soon. I'm sorry to bother all of you. Just a worried new mom I guess.

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Ok I was always told this was a good sign. She is in her cage and she is on one foot with her head under her wing sleeping. We have had our Quaker for 8 years and we barely ever see her do that. I was told that when they feel safe they do that to sleep. I don't know just hoping she gets to feel like home here.


I actually think that could be 90% of her problem along without knowing who we are. But after being on a plane for 14 hours she probably didn't get much sleep, she seems to be sleeping every chance she gets. We are going to a Halloween Party this evening and I was thinking of not going but now I think I'm just going to cover her up put all the animals away and let her sleep the entire time we are gone.<br><br>Post edited by: Ronda477, at: 2007/10/27 22:01

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Guest briansmum

yes perching on one foot is a contented grey, tucking the head under the wing is a safe grey. brian only sleeps with his head under his wing when we are in the room (watching a movie late at night or something). it is their most vunerable position.


as for the flying, being a bird thats what she does :) you can either just constantly keep putting her straight back on her perch.. which could take months, or get her wings clipped, which some people think puts the birds at greater risk from other animals. but i have to say, i wouldnt have any other animals in the room while my bird was out, it wouldnt be worth the risk. as for the rest of the house, i only let brian fly in the living room because i am scared of him finding an open window that was forgotten in the rest of the house.

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Well I'm thankful that she feels safe at least. As for the flying she DOES have her wings clipped. I know some ppl don't agree with this but, we have such a small house she could actually do more harm to herself so we decided to have them clipped. She has 5 feathers off of each wing. The breeder said she could tell us in a week or two how to clip one more off of her but not to do it right now.

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I concur with the others on this matter, she just needs time to adjust to a new home after spending 14 hours on a plane. Just give her some space and let her know you are there and talk to her and show her you are not going to harm her.


You may indeed have to clip another feather on each wing if she still flys real well at this point but like Beccy said just keep putting her back on her perch and eventually she will learn she is to stay there. Just have patience my dear, you are doing the right things and you are being a good mother, a very doting mother. Keep us informed.

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Its hard to remember what your Grey was like the first couple of days you brought it home. My new Grey has been here for a week now, and only had a one hours drive to get here. Even so for the first couple of days we got some cool bites which are still healing. Now he is getting much more adventurous and is tolerating scratches, indeed even asking for them. I dont remember Liath going through this phase but I am sure she must have!


Just give her time and space to settle in, the flight must have been horrendous and scary, and the new home, and the new animals. On the animal front however, I keep my dogs out of the room the greys are in for their safety not the greys! Both my dogs have been bitten by the greys and hide if they see them out!



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As all have previously said, patience and time to adjust to the new surroundings, people, cage and I think your time is an hour or or 2 different than Texas. The little guy has really been through a lot of changes in 24 hours. His whole World just changed and his head is still spinning :-)


How is he today?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I cried the first evening I had Toby home because he seemed so anxious and 'beaky' - I didnt think he would EVER settle down or accept me as a friend. I was going to take him back a few days later when all of a sudden he began to relax and seek my attention. Now we are inseparable! Its worth all the love attention and patience - they learn to love and depend on you as a child would and thats the best feeling in the world! All the best with your little one, keep us posted!

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