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The first bird I was getting


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Okay sit back and relax this is a long story. As you know I recently got an African Grey, however this wasn't what I first fell in love with. I was trying to get a 5 year old Goffin Cockatoo from a local pet store. My girlfriend and I would go in there about everyday for a couple of weeks and spend a couple hours with Festus (goffin) he was awesome. He got to where it didn't matter where I was in the room he would try to get on my shoulder. it was apparent that he was starting to love me. I told the pet store I would come in the next day and give them a deposit, the next day I went in they said he was sold. I was mad and didn't go back for a few days and I noticed he was starting to look bad. I asked if the person who bought him payed yet, they said no. I played with him for about 30 min. left and went back about 2 days later. Now he had started picking his feathers his chest was starting to become bald. I then found mites in his food, and his water was filthy. I was outraged, I told them to change his water and food now! I went to the owner and told him to sell him to me that it isn't fair for him to live in a pet store. He said that he decided to not sell him at all. He draws in too many people, the owner freaking thinks he

is a mascot! I don't know what to do...

I will show you some pictures of him, you can see when he started preening. Which has since then led to feater picking and itching.




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Guest briansmum

i can't believe they wont sell him.. well he will soon stop "drawing in the crouds" if he is plucked, what a stupid store owner. i would point this out and keep asking to buy him and deffinately call the authorities.

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