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Nelson :)

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Hi I recently purched a 4 yr congo african grey and with little exp I only noticed he had one wing much shorter then the other when we had him at home. His blance is very poor and he falls sometimes when i let him out and other feathers stick out and fall out.

I had him to the vets a couple of times and (not avain vets none in my area) the vet removed a couple of stubs of the remaining feathers but the 2 primary feathers on one wing are broken and was to consult with another vet on the way to go foreword but I have rang and there is no progress.

He gets lots of fruit and veg and I am working on changing him to pellets and he has lots of toys and interaction. Just at a loss at the mo feeling crap. Looking at a bunch of stuff from northeren parrots but in a financial crisis at the mo any suggestions for a way foreword.

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I have had a few birds with either one wing (due to accidents) or mismatched wings from unknown reasons. They all were fine. You have to safeguard his environment so he does not fall or get spooked and try to fly, because with mismatched wings, he'll crash and maybe get hurt. Is one wing actually shorter than the other? Meaning his bone structure. Or are his feathers not grown in the same? You should read as much as you can about Greys. There is a lot of info on the internet. If your bird is truly handicapped, then you'll have to learn his limitations and special needs. If you were more experienced, you could remove the broken feathers yourself. But, since you're not, please do not try to. Things may not be so bad. The vets, even though not Avian Certified, know a bit about birds, and will advise you of his condition. But, try to locate an Avian Vet, because birds are very different than other animals, and require specialized knowledge. His diet sounds fine, and the toys and interaction are very important. You say you only recently got him, so, it will take some time before you both know each other well. Good luck, and feel free to ask questions here. There are many very helpful and knowledgeable folks on this site. Good luck with your new friend.

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Great advice so far. I have a cockatiel with one wing, the other was damaged, is halter and will never grow. I have had to cover a pillow in newspaper and place it on the bottom of his cage to protect him when he falls or he will bleed from his wing stub, a towel will work just as well. Also soft towels whenever he is out in case he falls if you have perches or tree stands.


I would be careful a out pulling any feathers out, it could irritate that wing and cause him to

Pick at it.

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His 2 primary feathers on one wing are broken it would take the vet and sedation to remove them and he is lacking other feathers on the same wing you can see how much when he puts them up one nice full wing and the other... he is very random when he trys to fly only way to stop would be not to let him out until they all grow back but dont think he would be very happy :(

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Baileyspapa gave great advice. Try not to scare him and provide a safe environment so falling and flapping does not damage the wings more.


Is it possible the previous clipped only one wing? Some perform that type of clip so they can only fly in circles. It is not the proper way to trim birds and only morons in my opinion do that. When clipped, each wing should be the same so they can maintain a controlled flight to the floor for example. In regards broken or clipped feathers. Birds are the feather masters at maintaining them. There is no need to have your grey go through the stress of having them removed by a vet. The grey will either remove them himself or they will molt out over time.

Edited by danmcq
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Dan is right if those are Primary flight feather the big danger is breaking the wing bones when attempting to remove which is why a Vet would use sedation (another danger). Just protect him by using a wide perches and shelf like landing spots for him to rest on. Encouraging wing flapping to build muscle and feeding less fruit more dark colored veggies. Kale, peppers, carrots, yams and he can have some Tuna or Salmon and egg for the added protein and calcium. Talon suggested a towel or other padding inside the cage and that will help soften his landing and is easy to wash & replace. Patience and time will eventually even the feathers out as long as he has full wing bones.

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Tanks guys for the advice. :) Good to know they will grow back them selfs how long do ye think it would take? He loves eggs just wondering how many a week is ok for him? I say the wing bones are all good they look good when he streaches any ways. Would love if he could get to where he could fly or glide or just bounce around happy. He can be very moody I was reading that when there feathers are broken they can be... Going to try the tuna tonight :)

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