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Cockey, my year old CAG


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It looks like Cockey is settling right in. It's also good to see you have provided play areas for him through out which is important and fun for them to have. I look forward to hearing and seeing a lot more from you. Thanks for sharing these. :)

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Thanks for the welcome :)

Cockey is a year old CAG, and I got him only last Thursday night, so it's been only three days he's actually with me.

Obviously he has adjusted well, even no more scared of the cats and the dog, though still a bit alert ...

Here's him playing with a peg ...


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That one is beautiful too! I have four cats. The cats pay little attention to Timber, which causes him no end of grief. He is always trying to get their attention. He will call to them, meow at them, hang low on his cage trying to grab their tails as they pass by, and throwing things at them from his playtop. They just give him a "what the heck" look and walk on. He is obviously frustrated that they don't fear him as he thinks they should, but I'm sure glad none of them are aggressive with him. That said, I never leave them unattended with him, and watch them all them time they are out together. Accidents happen so fast.

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It's similar situation with my cats, though Cockey doesn't pay much attention to them either.

At first he was rather startled, his feathers fluffed, even growling and hissing a bit, but that lasted for a day only and, as you can see now, he's rather comfortable with them

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Her name is Mo (CukiBuki's Daisy) and is only a four-month old EB :)

Nobody should worry, they are at a safe distance, though have made friends so far.

The pics were taken the first day Mo arrived ...




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