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I Need Some Intervention


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I do this all the time, I don't know why I do this:


I have noticed in the Pet Section of the local newspaper that a Lesser Sulfur Cockatoo is for sale. Cockatoos were my first parrot that I just had to have. I understand that they are more needy than a grey or amazon for that matter so I have read. But this species, the Lesser Sulfur, is more independent, so they write.


Any help from our Too parronts would be appreciated. Do any of you have a Lesser Sulfur Too????



And as for you Baretta..... Curses!!!

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I do this all the time, I don't know why I do this:


I have noticed in the Pet Section of the local newspaper that a Lesser Sulfur Cockatoo is for sale. Cockatoos were my first parrot that I just had to have. I understand that they are more needy than a grey or amazon for that matter so I have read. But this species, the Lesser Sulfur, is more independent, so they write.


Any help from our Too parronts would be appreciated. Do any of you have a Lesser Sulfur Too????



And as for you Baretta..... Curses!!!


Well, in the TOO world, Lesser Sulfers and Greater Sulfers are on the more aggressive side. They're more tense and nervous than some other TOOs. As with any TOO, they're very loud and the more birds around, the louder they get. They do tend to pluck more than other TOOs but none of the above (minus the first sentence) applies to every single Lesser or Greater. The worst plucker amongst TOOS are the captive Ledbetters

TOOs are extremely clingy , the total opposite of greys. They need lots of time out of a cage or else they get extremely moody and quickly pluck. Janet, better put some serious thought into this.

In a typical large bird shelter about 33 to 35 % of the inhabitants are different type of Cockatoos.

Not trying to be a dark cloud here. Do some true meditation AND YOU MAY BE BLESSED WITH GOOD KARMA.

Edited by Dave007
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Aww, Dave, always the voice of reason. I have been watching this ad for about a week now and I have been hoping that I would just forget about it. Something is drawing me to this Too and my instincts/intuition have always been good. I will continue to try to be resist. Maybe a few slaps in the head will help.

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Aww, Dave, always the voice of reason. I have been watching this ad for about a week now and I have been hoping that I would just forget about it. Something is drawing me to this Too and my instincts/intuition have always been good. I will continue to try to be resist. Maybe a few slaps in the head will help.


""Maybe a few slaps in the head will help""


Well sorry, That's not something I can do. I'm a very soft, sweet, kind, loving, easy going, mild mannered soul who would never use any violence on a woman.

Edited by Dave007
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Janet, I know Toos are probably the most challenging parrot for many people, but if anyone could make it work, I think you could. You have the time to devote to it and have an understanding of parrots in general. Is this Too a baby? a rescue? age? any details there? There may be a reason this Too has stuck in your mind.

Edited by JeffNOK
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My neighbor offered me her Goffin cockatoo a few years ago when I first lost my greys. She called me again and said she changed jobs, works nights and weekends and her husband travels so she asked again if I would take Merlot. Gilda is a little fragile and at a new crossroad with me and I am afraid we would backslide to bring in another parrot. So, I called my dentist's receptionist who wanted the little TAG on the forum recently and she is smitten. They are going to do a trial run during the holidays to see if it's a good fit. I am quickly going to get in my car and drive a thousand miles next week before I change my mind. I am staying away for a month and hoping it is settled before I return. Janet, I will help you with an intervention, I have lots of creative coping techniques.

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Maybe it would help to make some presumptive statements when you talk with the person. You already know the questions to ask, but since you are asking for an intervention, allow yourself also to get the hard information. As we all know so many people say: allergies, new children in the house, moving, economic reasons, _______ <--- fill in the blank. But many people will not say, "Because this bird is driving me crazy," or "It bites the crap out of me," or "It's so freaking loud that my neighbors are threatening to call the cops," etc. etc.


So if its current person doesn't bring up the drawbacks, you could say something like, "I love these birds, and I do get it that they can be pretty noisy and clingy ... hey it's the way they are. Tell me more about how you deal with that, and how little Mr. Sweetcrest behaves along those lines." That way, it opens the door for a more frank discussion once they don't feel as if those qualities are a deal breaker. And, it gives you time to really assess things if they are honest with you.


In any event, if and when you do go see it, promise yourself that you will not make any decisions right then and there, but will go home and sleep on it. This allows you a time out, and its easier to say, "No," when you are not in front of the bird.


I can't wait to see how this one turns out...... :D

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Well I spoke to the owners of the Too. He is 10 years old and is a breeder. His mate escaped the aviary so he is basically useless to them. They raise different parrots/birds and the parrots live in a outdoor aviary. The Too is not an indoor bird and we agreed that he would not fit into my tame and friendly flock. So that's that. Thanks for the advice and consult my grey family. I shall not look in the newspaper ads again, I shall not look in the newspaper ads again, I shall not look in the newspaper ads again, I shall not look in the newspaper ads again...........

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Hahaha, yes you will to look at the papers again! :-) I have said the same thing to myself over and over and guess what, I am going this morning to get a cage for an umbrella that moved in on Monday. I went with my neighbor to a breeder who was keeping her new baby macaw because she had gotten it unweened and didn't know how to care for it. The breeder we went to was not the one she got the macaw from, just a friend of ours that was willing to help her out. When she had the bird to just content feedings, meaning she was eating on her own but still liked a few little feedings, we went for her to teach us as i am her back up. lol While there i saw Lilly, who i had met almost 2 years ago. I couldn't get her out of my mind and within a week she was home with us. I had 6 parrots already, i needed another one like i needed a hole in my head but the gut and heart said i just had too, she needed us! I still look everyday on craigslist too, so you will continue to read those ads, it is in our hearts!

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It takes a strong constitution to follow your heart and know what is right for your own home. I have my limit and still keep thinking about Merlot being alone all the time. When I come back from the holidays I am hoping she is in her new home and if not I plan to work out arrangements to be a sitter for her during the day and on weekends until the family situation gets worked out. For my part, for now I can take two parrots with me and am still welcomed to stay with family for extended periods. I wouldn't want to push that any further. I do understand how it feels to live with such a creature as a parrot and want to do more to bring this kind of life to the ones stuck in limbo. I don't know how I lived my whole life with a love of parrots without bringing one home sooner. That said, if Gilda had been in my life twenty years ago, I could not have coped because it has taken all of my energy and time to learn how to be the best home she deserves.

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Janet, my daughter and I went to Pigeon Forge this weekend for some shopping and to pay a visit to Parrot Mountain, well my daughter held a mtoo for a bit and loved it how he snuggled up on her and let her stroke him all about but then we went to the nursery section where they had 4 baby toos and she saw how they can really vocalize and act and it cured any desire she had to own one not that she really had any desire to begin with but it was nice to enjoy that sweetness if only for a few minutes.

I think Dave and the others are right, you need to really think long and hard about whether you want to add a too to your flock and only you can answer that question but if it is in the cards for you then you have our support and whatever help we can provide.

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A Too is very loud, i will be the first to admit that! We had Gus for just shy a year and Lordy, Lordy that bird screamed. Now that Lilly has moved in, he only screams at the normal screaming hours, morning and bedtime. Lilly on the other hand a started screaming like Gus did but not as loudly. It is so much better to have two toos in our situation. lol Unless you have the proper 24-7 they demand ( most of them anyway ) they are the toughest ones to live with! :-) That being said, boy do they cuddle good! Would trade them for anything!!! I am with you what ever you decide and have tried everything for my too so i could help out with lots of advise. ( Mostly that i got from Greywings! )

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One thing i have noticed with a Too bite is that they really do not want to bite you. It is a last resort for them. Yes they will nip and give you the two hole vampire bite but they only really bite when scared, excited and when you are doing something they don't want to do.( OR if they see your feet, I now have had 3 Too's and met another and all 4 bite feet and toes, it is just something they do i guess! ) But after learning the body language, the nips and bites are far less than with our greys. My downfall with our Toos is that they are so loving, the hugs and cuddles are like nothing else, but if you show too much attention to them when you first bring them home ( which you will do because you just can't help it :-) ) you have set their expectations. So far teaching them to entertain themselves has been our challange. Both birds were cage bound so coming into our home was a shock to them. They are not in the cage very much and can go where they want and fly around the house. One thing about the flying is they have a big wing span and are silent when they fly so you gotta be on your toes, or they will be!

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It is so cool to watch a big Too like an Umbie or a Molluccan zoom through the house and pull in the wings as they pass through a doorway. Of course if you have crown molding or wooden furniture it may become "personalized". When Harry Too is loose we have to supervise him closely to avoid injury to furniture, walls and the other birds who must remain "indoors when he is loose. Loud, loving, clever and busy=Cockatoos. Here is Fred fred the innocent Elanora Too (yes he keeps his suit on to avid self destruction) http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa264/Firefly_mom/P1000723m.jpg

Here is Harry Too in flight duck Murfchck- http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa264/Firefly_mom/HarryFlies1.jpg

As I volunteer for a Sanctuary I have to control my MBS as I get the phone calls for surrenders frequently, everything from finches to Macaws, sad to hear all the stories.

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It is so cool to watch a big Too like an Umbie or a Molluccan zoom through the house and pull in the wings as they pass through a doorway. ......


Cockatoos were my first love as parrots. If one needs a home, I will be here for it, but I will not go out looking for one..... I hope.

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Cockatoos were my first love as parrots. If one needs a home, I will be here for it, but I will not go out looking for one..... I hope.


The first step is admitting you are powerless over Cockatoos.... :D :D


Seriously though, if they were your first love and are still your super love, then I do know and understand that feeling, as does probably everyone else here. I believe that the right one will come to you and you to the 'too as well. That seems to be the way of the Universe, according to beaks.

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