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Toys: Check and check again.


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Had quite the last couple of days with HRH Inara. Background: I had purchased her a new toy that arrived a few days ago. She often does not show much interest in her toys, but does like to have them hanging around up by her roosting perch, like her own little tree canopy.


This particular toy, I chose because it had some smaller, lighter pieces configured on it, little open ball stuffed with paper shreds, some woven straw pieces, heavy acrylic beads, and paper parrot bagels, etc. She decided that she liked it and began playing with it during the times of the day that I want her to be able to independently entertain herself.


Well, Wednesday morning, I had noticed a teensy scrape on her grey feathers above her eye area, and was curious as to how it happened. It did not appear to be anything serious, but it did draw my attention. Then late Wednesday afternoon after having had her out for some major afternoon coffee talk, snuggle and play time, I put her back into her cage and heard her playing with her toy then settling down.


When I took her out of her cage for supper time, I was dismayed to find an abrasion on the delicate skin between her nostrils and a small one on her beak! I scoured around her cage looking for any place that she could have injured herself, to no avail, then finally zeroed in on the new toy as having been the only thing that had changed in her cage.


Sure enough, I took it out of her cage and went over it thoroughly (which I thought I had done a good job of doing when I got it) and found that the looped up end of one of the skewers that held some of the pieces was sharp as all get out from one direction. The wire had apparently been cut but not dremmeled/smoothed before it was bent up into position (and was generally covered by a bead) to hold the pieces of the toy on it. It was apparent to me that, that was what caused the abrasions and I was heartsick at the thought of how much more serious her injury could have been!


Inara's avian vet's office closes at three o'clock and is closed on Thursdays, and it was well past that time. I was concerned, because while there was no bleeding, both spots were raw and red and looked abraded. So I phoned the Emergency Vet's office -- left a message, waited and waited no response. Finally I phoned our "family vet" (40 miles away) who while not a certified avian vet, has worked with many exotic birds during his time as a veterinarian at a large city zoo. He asked a lot of questions, then suggested that I put a teeny drop of pure vitamin e (from a capsule) onto both sites to keep them moist and as a light barrier, watch for any changes and of course if there were to immediately physically take her to an emergency facility in Denver. If things looked better in the morning, to keep a close eye on things and then contact her avian vet Friday morning.


Well, things looked better yesterday, so I applied another tiny drop of vitamin e to the sites, and made sure to watch her like a hawk. She was eating just fine, was not favoring her beak at all, and no changes in the injured sites other than looking better (but I am well aware birds will hide illness, pain, etc). BUT she could tell that something was amiss with me because I was on hyperalert and very concerned. While I had her on my knee for our usual mid morning coffee chat, she walked up my leg, up my chest to nearly my shoulder then gently put her little foot onto my lips. I kissed her little foot, and she did it again very gently. I almost burst into tears. The only other time she has done something like this was when she put her little foot on my forehead when I was lying down one day when I was getting over the flu. We gave each other a couple of nuzzles, and I assured her that everything was "OK" and "alright," that I was just worried about her a little.


This morning, she was doing and looking even better, but just to keep on the safe side of things, I phoned her avian vet first thing when they opened, let her know what had transpired, sent her a digital photo and asked her if she felt I needed to bring her in. She said Inara didn't need to come in, and that she was certain she would do great. She prescribed a topical antibiotic to use twice a day for 7 days just to ensure that Inara doesn't pick up any infection. So Joe will pick it up on his way home from work. (We live in the forest and her vet will leave it in a special wooden box they have outside just for things like this.)


So now, I can rest easier this weekend and Inara sensing my relief has been a chatty little kissy face pistol all day until just now when she was ready for some quiet time and a nap.


You can see the abrasions in the photo (as well as a bit of color change from the vitamin e which I was extremely careful not to get into a nostril). Fortunately Inara lets me handle her beak, wings, and feet with no biting and no major issues, as I make sure to do so at least once a day if not several where her beak and toes are concerned. PS: that's a bit of sunflower seed in her beak, as I used it to get her positioned for the photo.


Moral of the story: Even when you think you've checked a toy, cage, carrier, etc. -- run your fingers over everything and back the other direction.

Edited by Inara
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Thank you for sharing... I am so sorry about your birdy getting hurt, it hurt my heart to think she is playing with her new toy only to have it hurt her and not know why. They are such trusting souls. I hope she heals quickly. I'm so glad you posted this. I will check Dolly's toys over with a fine toothed comb now, even if they look harmless!!! ((hugs)) JanMarie

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Greycie has had multiple cuts and abrasions around what I call her 'mask' on her face. She's a rough player and sometimes I have no idea 'how she did it this time'. The worst was when she managed to wrap herself up in a towel and then fall 6 feet onto a hard tile floor. Took her two days before she recovered from that one. No broken bones though...just a nice sore spot. I swear she's worse than having a little toddler around.

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It's good to hear you double checked and found that sharp point left on the skewer.


Having watched Sterlings video, with all that rough housing, I have no doubt there have been some Boo-Boo's. :)


Dayo play's hard batting metal bells around and when not chewing on hanging wooded blocks bashes them around as well. He winds up with small abrasions as well just above the beak, forehead and sometimes around an eye. They do heal quickly with no attention needed. I did fret like crazy the first few times. But, now that it's happened probably over a hundred times over the years, I no longer get apprehensive at all.

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Same here as what Dan and Sterling said... Timber will have a small abrasion somewhere on the "mask" area every once in awhile. Freaked me out the first time I saw it, but I've gotten used to it! By the next day, it is usually fading rapidly. That said, Inara's looks a bit worse than what I'm used to seeing. Good job for finding the cause!

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Whew!!! So great to hear about Sterling and Dayo. When I was much younger with my Amazon and my CAG, I was much more cavalier and relaxed. 1) ah youth, and 2) they were both wild caught, hearty (after I got them healthy), much older, and so much bigger and tougher looking than Inara. I could not believe how deeply I fretted the past day and 1/2 and how these two little dings affected me. I feel so much better reading both of your posts.


JanMarie, thanks for your sweet words, you're a gem.

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Well, I have to admit, even though I have become calloused to it. Every time I notice a Boo-Boo, I ask him how he did that and ask if he's ok, then tell him he needs to be more careful. :)


So you did the right thing (of course) with Inara and she indicate your feelings were received and understood. Those moments are always touching and little treasures we store in our hearts. :)

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Anyone else get the shocking sound of plates/glasses/bowls crashing to the floor from their kitchen? We have carpet in the living room so prefer to leave the two feather-heads in the kitchen to eat. Greycie has learned an annoying habit of dragging the plate or bowl to the edge and lifting and dropping until it goes overboard. She will also sit on the cupboard doors and pull at the plates, bowls and glasses until she gets one to go crashing to the counter and floor. If she can topple a glass on the counter,she'll roll it to the edge and watch it crash.


It's gotten to where we can't leave her unattended around the corner because she will open the cupboard doors and then it's plate slinging time. We have to use the heavier crocks now so she can't haul them to the edge and make them walk the plank. But dare anyone leave out a personal bowl or plate...she'll get it. Her count now is around 10 broken items. It was funny the first couple of times.

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My Amazon and CAG were so close to half dead when I got each of them, and were such brutes that a scratch or ding on either of them was as my engineer husband says, "in the noise," as I had so many bigger issues to deal with. But now that I've got this little gal, I feel like a helicopter mom for jeebuz sake.


Danmcq, you are so correct about holding those very special tender moments in our hearts forever.


Talon, those videos could be used as a commercial for the durability of that brand of dishes! :D

Sterling, I'll have to watch out for those antics. My two legged kids were hard enough on my dishes...... And holy crap about that 6 foot fall onto tile, glad Greycie was in a towel!:D

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Awww, poor Inara. She knew though that you fixed things for her with that toy and tended to her gently and diligently. Gilda isn't adventurous enough yet for boisterous play. As soon as I read about Greycie smashing dishes I thought of Rikki at Talon's house. I am so looking forward to when Gilda peels off a few more layers and finds her mischievious side. It would be kind of funny the first time with the plate flinging... more when its at your house than mine.

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Sterling...you may have missed this thread, but this is an ongoing event in my house. We NEVER EVER leave dishes or plates on the table or counter for this reason.




Yep, that thread pre-dates my arrival here by about a year. Rikki goes above and beyond by following the dish to the floor. Greycie has never had to go there because she's 10 for 10! The ones she pulls out of the cupboard are close to 8 feet high and hit the counter before bouncing to the floor. No chance of surviving that. She's also got a naughty habit of dumping water bowls. You can see the same satisfaction in her face as the water flows across the counter. She's soaked my wallet and my cell phone along with any mail that is sitting on the counter. Sometimes I want to wring her neck.

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Inara... you are a GREAT parent! Many birds get rough and injured slightly with toys. We learn what toys work, and those that don't. Its a learning process for parrents and birds. I am always focused more on choking toys, toys that a bird can hang themselves. I no longer have blinds in any room.Sophie only likes to destroy. The quicker she can destroy a toy, the better. She likes pinatas, any paper toy. Block toys... she has no interest. Give her a registrar for doing a checkbook... she is into it! When I do my bills and am writing checks... so is Sophie! She LOVES bill paying! I sit on one end of the table paying bills, she sits on the opposite end of the table. I talk aloud to myself, so does Sophie! While I write a check... Sophie counts One, two, three and scrutinizes her registrar. Amazingly, she doesn't chew her registrar.. Repeating... one, two, three.I always ask her, " do you have any money left over?" LOL Nancy

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Nancy, that is too funny with your bill paying "accountant!" Love that story! My first half of my life birds were just not interested in toys at all, except Lestat liked one with a bell. I think because both were so traumatized in their lives that they were just pleased to get healthy and live in a peaceful, serene, dependable environment where no one was terrorizing them and where they could count on food. So major toy shopping (and future creating) is new to me. The huge bag of toys that came with Inara, were dirty, worn, and I found what looked like black mold on a few, so I immediately tossed them, and replaced with two that she likes to have just hang up near her "roost." She loved this one, though, and I feel so badly that it slashed her.


Judygram, you're a gem!


Did get HRH a couple new toys -- all natural, no metal parts on either, and the larger one is sitting on a table in view. As you are aware, now that I'm an old lady, I'm rapidly becoming a helicopter mom, so I sanitized it first with vinegar and boiling water and it is drying. (does anyone else do this, or am I just a total OCD freak?) She talked to it for a good thirty minutes and now is just doing some relaxed beak grinding so I'm sure moving it in will be very welcomed. The other is just a small bundle of wooden maple leaves with some leather knots holding them together for a good, new little footie toy, to add to her others.


Stopped in at her avian vet's today while I was out and about, and she said that if Inara starts to scratch or mess with her dings in any way, to cut the antibiotic back to once a day on the area rather than twice a day, allowing the area to naturally dry out more. Inara is as spunky as ever, and twice as sweet as she is sassy. So all is well in HRH's world. :D

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Not all greys like toys. Sophie is one of them. She likes pinatas, anything paper she can destroy. While studying for an important test, Sophie likes to help me study. I am low on time, and had to put her back in her room. She wasn't happy. I usually have more time to study, but didn't this time. I am sure she feels insulted. I promised to " make it up to her." I know she is insulted and hurt. I just have to get thru the test.... then I can thank her for her help Nancy

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