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Delilah the CAG's thread!


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Yes, we met our bird!


Delilah is a 15-year-old CAG who spent her whole life with an elderly couple. When the couple moved to assisted living, Delilah went to a local pet store.


We'd just decided to postpone our Grey hunt until after the holidays (we're working with a local rescue group, and the bird we were interested in was adopted out before we could schedule a home inspection) when we stopped into the shop to pick up some supplies. And there she was.


Two of the staffers said Delilah bonded with them fairly quickly in her two weeks at the shop (bribing her with Mac and Cheese helped). Over the course of three visits, we observed her behavior around strangers, including a few pushy customers and inquisitive little kids. Delilah doesn't dive for her cage or show fearful posture, but she does try and keep her distance on her playpen, while observing everyone carefully.


We hope to bring her home by Friday. We have furniture to re-arrange and a few things to get set up before we're ready for her...but we're really excited!


She's been on an all-seed diet, so we're slowly going to introduce Harrison's pellets, sprouts and veggies for a more varied diet. She comes with a great cage/playtop and a few toys, and eventually we'll get her a separate play structure. I'm already making some simple foot/forage toys, and converting an extra animal carrier for her use.


Oh, right. DOES SHE TALK? Well, she says "Tickle Tickle", "Whatcha doin'," "Hi, Delilah" and "Goddamnit." She also mimic's coughing and sneezing, and a few other noises. We're sure she has a broader repertoire, but this is just what the staff has heard. And I do hope to see if I can get in touch with the original owners, since it seems that the pet store dealt with the retirement home, rather than the owners themselves. :( I don't know the whole story, but think that one of the owners passed away and the husband/wife was unable to care for the bird, but if it's appropriate for everyone involved, I'd love to be able to take Delilah to visit her first owner....or at least write letters about her and send photos.

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Soon you will be bringing Delilah home, it is going to change your life. I am glad you found her. The assisted living home will have an activities director, that might be a good place to start once you are home with Delilah. It's very considerate of you to want to let the family know she is in a good home and will hopefully give peace to them. Its going to be interesting to follow your thread on Delilah and how she responds to settling in with you. Thanks for joining us and bringing us along for the journey.

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I am so happy you have found a grey in need of a home. Especially one that was the previous homes much loved grey that had no other option than to let their precious grey go to the pet shop, rather than a pre-screened home. But it seems destiny had the place, meeting day and time already in store for the both of you to ensure your mutual enjoyment, love and a good long life together. I am looking forward to the homecoming (as I have no doubt your are excited) and then hearing and seeing the journey you will both then share together. Congrats!!! :)


Oh, in regards taking the grey to visit. I personally do not think that would be a good idea. Why, because you do not want to rekindle the feelings of loss all over again in that greys minds. As far as the grey is concerned the previous bonded mate/family is either lost or dead and never returning. Send mail or email updates I have no doubt would bring joy to the heart of the previous owner. I have seen cases where the old owner has either come to visit or the grey was taken to them and most the time it severely affected the grey or other type parrot and sent them in to a spiral for a while.

Edited by danmcq
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.......Oh, in regards taking the grey to visit. I personally do not think that would be a good idea. Why, because you do not want to rekindle the feelings of loss all over again in that greys minds. As far as the grey is concerned the previous bonded mate/family is either lost or dead and never returning. Send mail or email updates I have no doubt would bring joy to the heart of the previous owner. I have seen cases where the old owner has either come to visit or the grey was taken to them and most the time it severely affected the grey or other type parrot and sent them in to a spiral for a while.


I agree with Dan, I too have watched a parrot in depression after a former loved parront has "come to visit". Send videos or pictures and updates but no personal visits.

Edited by luvparrots
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Thanks, all!


Dan, what you said makes perfect sense. In any case, I found out today that the previous owners went to a new facility in another state, so it's moot.


I visited Delilah today, and she actually leaned over toward me from her perch on a favorite staffer's shoulder, and offered a foot when I presented my wrist for a step-up. (I'd had her on my shoulder a few minutes earlier as we shopped for supplies together) .


I'm glad she's this comfortable with me in an environment in which she's familiar; we'll see how it goes when she comes home. Her cage and toys are coming with her.


An interesting note...during the visit, a severely autistic young teen wearing a hat with huge plush antlers on it went running through the store, shouting "BAP! BAAP! BAP!". We humans were understandably startled, but the bird just sat on her playtop, munching on a snack and watching with mild interest as the girl's mom went after her.


Delilah's probably the perfect bird for us.

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Shane, we already put down half the adoption fee...so I hope we get her, too! ;)


And I'm enjoying your thread...we're definitely in for it, aren't we?


Years ago I had a pug named Delilah, and it's weird to call another animal by that name. But the bird has had it for a loooong time, and we've decided it's part if who she is. She'd better not be a heartbreaking master manipulator like her original namesake, though!


Pics will be on their way. I haven't taken any just yet, but we will document her First Day like crazy!

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We picked her up tonight at 7:30 pm. In the hour-and-a-half time between then and putting her to bed, she's amazed the heck out of us.


After the short drive home, we re-assembled her cage and filled her dishes while she waited in the cardboard box. When I opened her "carrier", she looked at me and asked, "Whatcha doing?"


After shooting a look of awe at my co-parront, David, I let her step up, and then placed her in her cage, telling her we were welcoming her home.


We gave her some time to inspect her cage, inside and out. David sat at his workspace and I sat in the living room, both in view of the cage. She immediately grabbed a peanut from the bowl, munching it while looking around at her surroundings. David put on some music, and Delilah began going through her repertoire of whistles and calls.


We decided to close Delilah's door and let the dogs out of their crate, and they went right up to meet her. Eva, our Viszla, dropped her toy by the cage.


Laughing, Delilah said, "Messy guy!" Eva stuck her nose to the cage.. Delilah came down and gently beaked it.




Our little Corgi/Chi mix, Stella, stood on her hind legs to get a better look at Delilah...who giggled at her, and then on an old-lady voice, said, "fancy that!




She also whistled a complicated tune David swears was the melody of a song he's just played.


There was a lot more babbling and giggling that we couldn't decipher as the dogs got into a wrestling match on the sofa. When everyone settled down, we decided Delilah probably hadn't been up this late in ages...and she was settling onto her highest perch, so we said "goognight" and covered her for the evening.




I should mention that David and I modeled a two-note contact call several times, especially when one of us would leave the area. Also, we have a game already; she makes the descending, falling bomb whistle, and we respond with various splat/kapow/crash noises. She loves it!


We're absolutely amazed, and can't wait to get to know her better! Only bad part of the day was the weepy store staff who, while excited WE are taking her, are going to miss their favorite animal. In two weeks, Delilah earned a spot on their Wall of Fame...and she's already won our hearts, too.

Edited by Lupine
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Congrats on bringing Delilah home. It sounds like she is very happy to be with you and in a home once again rather than a petshop. I love the way she interacted with you literally "out of the box". I know you all had a very late night, so hope to hear more and see some photos once your all up, eaten and bright eyed and bushy tailed. :)

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I've got to get a Photobucket account set up for her, though right now she doesn't seem too happy to have the flash going off near her. For now, just imagine a light gray bird with dark primaries and a red tail! :) It's been kind of a quiet morning, which is understandable. Her first "real" day here.


This morning was like Christmas. David and I got up early to come down and uncover the bird together, so we were hurrying each other down the stairs. He's working on-site today, so I'm sitting at the table next to her cage, letting her get used to me. Nothing from her yet today but squeaks and a few short, high-pitched calls, but I'm careful to make contact calls to her when I leave her sight.


She doesn't seem concerned with our cat or dogs, and appears to be pretty comfortable in the spot we picked for her cage. It's in the crux of an L-shaped downstairs area, which--aside from the kitchen--is an open layout including the work areas and living room, so she pretty much has her whole daytime empire in view.


I haven't tried getting her to step up, and I won't until I'm sure she's up for it. No rush; we have the next 40 years or so!

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Indeed. I'd hate to work at a pet store. So many people buy animals on impulse...or buy the wrong animal. I'd be the one saying, "This dog/cat is rabid, you don't want him/her!" I generally avoid stores that sell dogs and cats (personal preference) because they encourage indiscriminate, low-quality backyard breeding.


OK. So I was going to report that Delilah's been pretty quiet all day, but then David came home. As soon as he walked in the room, she perked up; "How're ya doin? HI!"


She's all a-flutter, whistling and making the beer-bottle cap noise. Huh. I guess her old daddy liked to pour himself a cold one when he got home from work. :)

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Delilah sounds like a jewel! Now be careful.... she sounds intent to " favor" David. It is important to establish relationships with the entire family. Greys will choose one family member, if they are allowed to do so. If you confuse them, with the entire family, being strict and on the same page.... a Grey will learn to love all. Sophie LOVES Ryan for his guitar playing, teaching her to rap. She LOVES Sean, for his " crocs", running and playing tag with his feet.She loves me as her mom, I keep her safe. Put us all together, she will be soooo excited, and jump back and forth. Nancy

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This is going to be one of many "threads to watch" as Delilah quickly puts your house in order. You sound like you will be easily trained to do her bidding from the onset. She will give you so many of those jaw dropping moments as she unpacks her bags and gets comfortable. She really is a gem and you are clearly smitten already, but wait, it just gets better and better. Thank you for joining us and giving us a glimpse of a day in the life of Delilah.

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Thanks, all!


I think she's establishing rapports unique to all of us. She seems to have a sound for David ("whoooo"), for me (the chirp of a smoke detector battery alert, go figure) and barking noises for the dogs.


As expected, after the excitement of her homecoming, she's been keeping her English under wraps for the settling-in period... with a few exceptions. She quietly talks to the dogs.


She meowed like a cat, and when our big dog came over, she praised her with"such a good girl!"

When either dog visits the cage, they get one of several barks, or "hello!". On a few occasions, we've caught her muttering conspiratorially to the rapt dogs, clamming up when she sees we've noticed.


She has picked up the contact call David and I modeled for her, and has used it a couple times she is also practicing the first few notes of the Andy Griffith Show theme; we've been modeling that as well.


As for favoritism, I think we're going to be ok...thanks to advice on this forum!

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Nice update on her. The unique contact calls you have come up with for you and hubby are wonderful. She is obviously "plugged in" to the new flock and is learning and teaching your entire household at the same time as she communicates back and forth with you all. It's good to hear how well she is embracing it all. Your making fantastic steps forward and I look forward to hearing much more and seeing photos and videos when you get a chance. :)

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LOL Sounds like Delilah has a crush! I've never been in a pet store I would be willing to buy an animal from. I have seen a few in them I'd like to rescue! I'm sure there are some good ones somewhere, but not around here.


The more I see, the more I am convinced that selling animals should be very restrictive - with severe quotas and licenses and inspections to insure the animals' welfare. I know dog and cat selling was restricted in Austin - pet stores could offer ADOPTION but could not "sell" animals from breeders. Many people still buy on impulse. And don't even get me started on stores selling bunnies and chicks at Easter. People who do that should be flogged. A huge percentage end up tossed out when the aren't "cute" and "baby" enough, and they realize that there is work and expense in caring for that big rabbit or chicken. Humans can be so thoughtless and cruel to creatures they deem to be "less" than themselves.


We have Aunalese because we kept seeing her in a tiny little enclosure in a chain pet store. She was not being socialized, and when I met her eyes I could almost hear her thinking "Please get me out!" After several months, I began to nudge my husband. "We should buy her. No one else seems to want her and she's been here for a long time." (I somehow knew she was going to turn out to be a she, and she did!) She is a very sweet but timid and shy little thing. She was a great mother to her babies. But the sad part is, all over the country, giant breeding farms and "bird brokers" are churning out birds who end up in tiny cages in chain pet stores where employees are so misinformed they don't care for them properly or sell them responsibly. They then go on to short, sad lives because they are purchased by people who haven't a clue what they are getting in to. Many end up in over-crowded rescues. We are seriously thinking of starting a small rescue here, since we are planning a huge aviary to give flight space large enough for our own Greybies.


There are stores that seem to have good ethics. The store we got the Greybies (and the cockatiel) from definitely give the "talking you out of buying a bird" speech to all prospective owners. They were up-front about everything. Biting, chewing, loudness, how much vets cost, what kind of food they need, and how long they will live. They made sure we were aware of all of this, and agreed to it, before buying the birds. They even tried to warn us when they thought we were developing MBS. (Too late!)


But even so, as with dogs and cats, breeders produce, stores sell, and people will buy with perhaps good intentions. Look at all the people who give birth to children then don't keep up the work necessary to raise them.


Then there are those who see the problem and do whatever they can to help. It sounds like Delilah found someone who is going to love her and give her a forever home and it also sounds like she is going to richly reward them with her love!!

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