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Will he ever let me pet him?

Grey Gordon

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Hi, all...I've had Gordon for about a month now. He's 8, and we're making great progress - most days. I adopted him from a woman who said he does not like to be touched or scratched. But, she also didn't have much physical contact with him. He didn't spend much time - if any - out of his cage. I don't just want to give up and never pet him, but I'm not sure how to get going on this. The first few times he stepped up, he also didn't like my thumb to touch his talons. He's ok with that now. Is there some way to start to touch him a little?

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Some greys do not like to be petted and most do not like to be touched a lot, some members here have greys that they can touch all over but that is the exception and not the rule. In any case you have only had Gordon for a month and he is a mature grey so you may or may not achieve being able to touch him much but just be patient with him for he is still settling into his new home, it takes lots of time for him to come to trust you and if he allows you to touch him it should be his idea and not yours, let him decide if he wants to be touched or not.

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Have you tried scratching his head through the cage at bedtime? That is how Timber and I started. At bedtime, he would come to the side of the cage and I would scratch above his beak (between his eyes). That said, it was three months after I rehomed him before I was able to give him scratches outside the cage.

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Guest Jocelyn

It took a few months before romeo liked head scritches, it started with him letting us touch his beak... If I stuck my hand in his cage still though I can expect a bite

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Just in case I wasn't clear, I wasn't talking about sticking my hand in his cage to pet him before bed. He would come over to the side of the cage and I would scratch his head from outside the cage by putting my finger through the bars. As stated, their cage is their "safe" zone, especially in the early days. Timber felt safer with the bars between us and was more receptive to scratches.

Edited by Timbersmom
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It really depends on the bird. My cag will come over to the side of her cage and put her head down for scratches. My tag, o way, youllet a bite, and NEVER put your fingers near an amazon cage no matter how sweet they are when they are out...nope, not allowed, it is their domain and you are rarely invited....

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Hi, all...I've had Gordon for about a month now. He's 8, and we're making great progress - most days. I adopted him from a woman who said he does not like to be touched or scratched. But, she also didn't have much physical contact with him. He didn't spend much time - if any - out of his cage. I don't just want to give up and never pet him, but I'm not sure how to get going on this. The first few times he stepped up, he also didn't like my thumb to touch his talons. He's ok with that now. Is there some way to start to touch him a little?


Just keep going slow and always try to obey their wishes. I think Isaac started letting me touch him when he was preening himself. He would be really into his preening while sitting on my knee and I would sneak in a scratch on his neck. Eventually, he came to like the scratches...at least a little. I wouldn't ever expect to be able to walk up to him at all times to get a nice scratch. They will definitely tell you when they are not interested in this...and it'll be most of the time. I love to touch Isaac but sometimes...when he is scooting his butt out of the way in avoidance, I just say...'Ok...not now...I'm sorry' and move on.


One piece of advice...don't attempt to pet them as they eat....they do not like this. It will frustrate them if you persist too. Just go very slow with intimate contact and see where it goes. Also, don't try to maintain expectation as for how long this should take. Be patient, a relationship with another species is a delicate thing. :) Your intentions are well-meaning and you only want to give mucho love to your baby, but no matter how slow you speak and how bright the love in your heart...there is no way for them to know other than through careful action.

Edited by Elvenking
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Marco is going on 2 she waits for me to bring her out of her cage usually (that might be the exception) she is "toy aggressive" meaning if shes on her toybox DO NOT TOUCH them .. but her cage shes totally fine with. That being said ... wait and watch the body language. I dont like the word PET persay .. I pet my dog, but I dont PET Marco I give her lil scratches on her neck and a beak rub :) you'll know when they want it hang in there!

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