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Do you have a touchable Grey?


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I have noticed in the last few months, Radar wants to be touched all the time. Every day when I get home from work I have to spend an hour or so with him (he is not alone all day either), scratching and rubbing. He wants to be scratched all over. This includes his chest, his bottom, under the wings, everywhere.



I was wondering, does anybody else birds enjoy being touched all over like this?

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Dayo is a very touchy feely Grey and would cuddle and receive scratches all over for hours too.


We were over at our breeders Thursday night and his gentle, cuddly demeanor came up. We talked about how the two clutchs with 6 total CAGs born at the same time, of which Dayo was included, each had a different personality.


One was a biting screaming hellion by the time he was 10 weeks old and wounded me a few times. Once with a full on flying attack :-)


Others were more into playing by themselves or if they did want to be held it was only on your hand or arm with no scratches allowed.


One would just sit by itself and watch all the activity going on and never really interact at all with humans or his brothers and sisters. It did enjoy the company of a baby sun though that hung out with him when out of the cage.

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Sparky is pretty cuddly, but his preference is my shoulder. He cries when he is on my shoulder and anyone else touches him, especially on his feet. He really hates that. When he is sleepy is the best time for cuddling. I am enjoying it while I can as he is about 6 months old. I expect he will change soon because of being more independent. It probably helps that he is still on two feedings a day. He just won't wean and I am not going to force him. He does eat other things but only when I handfeed it to him. Last nite I did see him nibbling on pellets, so I think he is a closet eater when I am not watching. Talk about smart and spoiled, "why eat when someone will feed me".

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As they get older most not all get to where they like be touched less and less. My TAG loved to be petted until she was about 2 years old. Then she started liking it less and less. Until one day she decided she did want to be loved on any more. I don't force it. I like my blood where it is and not on the outside of my body.

Greys just are not cuddle as a rule so I get out my amazon when I want to cuddle.

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Interesting stuff from everybody.


Tari, the funny thing about Radar is that he is 30 years old and a wild caught bird.


See what you guys with the babies have to look forward too. They never grow up.

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Klaus loves to be petted on the head & neck. He will tolerate touches elsewhere, but it's not his favorite. Our bedtime routine is that I turn the lights down, stand in front of his cage with him talking softly about it being bedtime, and give him lots of extra pets on the head & neck. The whole routine takes about ten minutes. He's spoiled rotten! :lol:

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Nice to know others are enjoying the touchable greys. Radar has just recenlty started this, I am loving it. He also likes to get under a blanket, towel, just about anything where he can "hide" while I am stratching & rubbing him. The other night I had sit down, just for a minute, and put my legs up on the couch. He saw a little opening under my leg and crawled under there!

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Mine LOVES face rubs...the area around his eyes is his fav. He lets me kiss and give raspberries on his tummy and lets me give him foot rubs. He likes to put his feet in his beak all the time so sometimes he will put his foot in my mouth! I guess he thinks that because he enjoys chewing on his feet I would too. I'm working on getting him ok with under the wing touching and he's starting to come around.

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Too cute, feet in your mouth. I want Radar to do new things with me, but I think that is one I can live without. Sounds like he is really trusting of you.


The area under the eye & his beak are places Radar loves too.<br><br>Post edited by: radar, at: 2007/10/29 15:40

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Guest briansmum

brians loves head and face scratches, and if he's in the mood on his back and tummy. he has yet to put his feet in my mouth but he will sit on my shoulder and feel my face with his foot, i have started giving feet kisses now :)

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Yeah, I don't know why he does it but it is sooooo cute when he's does...he all like, "you need to get in on this!"


He does trust me a lot, and never stays mad at me for more than a few minutes. He's by far my best friend...other than the boyfriend that is. :laugh:

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My Smokey loves to be touched, but on his terms only. The only way I can tell how much he wants to be handled is how he reacts when I massage his beak while he's in the cage. If he immediately tries to snap my finger in two, I know that it's best just to leave him a piece of banana and apple and be on my way. Other times, he will give me love nips and push the top of his head under my hand. But beware, when he's done with you, he will leave the mark to show it!

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I'd say you have a mature grey, Asnead72, because that is what others with older birds have to say about them.


I don't think you have introduced yourself yet, Asnead72, why don't you go to the welcome room and do that so we can get to know you better and welcome you to the family.

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tonka loved to be petted until when he was about 18 monthes. then at about 3 years he became a snuggle bug again. he is 6. he oves to be pet, snuggle, flips on his back. hard to imagine there was a time when he did not want to be touched much..

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