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Dolly doesn't like toys or Veggies...is this normal??


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I've slowly been introducing veggies to Dolly, she throws them out. Only seems to like grapes and if she is really hungry an itty bitty piece of apple. Is there anything I can do to supplement her? She is 7 years old and she came from a home that only gave her fruity bird kibble which she loves. I also have a wonderful assortment of chewing toys and she's not interested. She loves to sit on her cage and talk and whistle but no interaction with her toys. I want her to have something to do while I am at work a couple of days a week. When I'm home it's all about her. Should I be worried?

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I found with Misty the best way to introduce foods is to let him see me eat them. If I eat it he wants it. Greys like social eating so we always start our main meals together.Remember whatever they eat is fine for you too although the reverse is not always true. It is the same with toys . If I find it interesting and play with it then usually Misty does as well. With Greys the rule "What is yours is mine" normally applies.


Steve n Misty

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Than you everyone! I was able to get Dolly to eat a bit of apple when she saw me eat it...but that was it. She ate it but then when I offered it again it was a no go... I will keep trying. I feel like I did when my kids would actually eat a vegetable when they were little...what a milestone! Dolly must have had a lot of junk food if she even sees me with a chip or a cracker she just about throws herself across the room! So I use those as special treats.

Edited by JanMarie
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Our bird, Caesar, starts his day with a walnut. Then he has breakfast which is veggies, partially cooked and warm. He prefers corn; sometimes carrots are his favorite. He eats peas some times, especially if hand fed. He dislikes lima beans but will eat other vegetables such as green beans. He loves corn on the cob. Often he will wait until I eat my breakfast before he eats his.


Caesar likes his toys, but often a toilet paper roll hub will get a lot of attention. I bought him a wooden spoon which he chewed on for a while.

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Toilet paper cardboard rolls and paper towel cardboard rolls were good starter toys when I rehomed Timber. He was scared of just about everything, but the cardboard rolls got his interest. The foraging is a good thing to try too. They are foragers by nature, and seem to enjoy something they have to work for more. Timber tends to eat raw vegetables better if I hang them on a skewer. You will just have to try different things to determine what Dolly likes. Also, like a child, they may not like something this week then like it next week, so keep offering vegetables even if Dolly initially rejects them.

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I tried the paper towel roll cut it into sections and strung them up, then put a bit of corn muffin in there and she ate the muffin then continued to play with the paper roll. :o Is there a food kibble that is recommended for Greys that is good for them if they are picky eaters that I can have in her cage all the time? I was eating plain greek yogurt and Dolly wanted it so I gave her a tiny bit and she loved it was begging for more but again not a veggie. I am going to try your other suggestions too. My kids were picky eaters, they are grown now with kids of their own who are picky eaters...the cycle never ends...and now a picky birdie. Thank you for the help!

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