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Questionable Antibiotic?


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I just a got a new grey about one week ago..Hes been sick a little while now.. sneezing, couging, his nose whistles when he breathes, heavy breathing sometimes, itching his nose alot, & a mysterious grey substance dried around his nose. It was recommended I give him half of a "Moxiram - 500" the name under that is "Amoxycilline BP". Its a pill form, a capsule with powder inside. I was recommended to put it in his water. Is this safe? A vet is not currently available now.Does anyone know about this?


Post edited by: MrsMQ, at: 2007/10/27 15:56<br><br>Post edited by: MrsMQ, at: 2007/10/27 15:57

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Hi Mrsmq and welcome to the forum,.


Diagnosing and treating your bird is a very dangerous path to take. But, I understand your sense of urgency to treat this very sick Grey.


I am not certain what the dosage should equate to per gram of body weight, which is how most meds are administered.


Doxycycline is what is normally prescribed for respiratory infections in Parrots along with a mucus expectorant, but I know your using whats available.


The issue you are describing is serious and could lead to the death of your Grey. If at all possible, a vet visit is a must, I would think.

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Hi and welcome


I have to agree with dan. I know you want to help your bird but you really shouldn't self medicate. I know it is tempting but it might not end as a quick fix, you could end up killing your bird by mistake....plus it is important to find out exactly what is wrong with him. I wish you all the vey best and ope you can resolve the situation asap regards

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Yes Im really worried.. a vet isnt available now... really im not sure what i can do.he seems to be getting wores and worse, sleeping alot, no sound when he whistles...i need a solution really...the country im currently residing in isnt a whole lot specifac in these things thats why im asking in the usa. thanks for your response

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his living conditions were awful, dirty cage, dirty water, the water here can have parasites, (i give him mineral water) he had no toys, all sunflower seed diet, was sat in the hot sun with his wings hanging out and his mouth wide open.. this place knows nothing about birds.. there is no pellets avaiable

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Sorry that sounds really complicated, I live in Spain and that is really bad enough.... do you have a vet you can call from your own country? The ones in spain of course only speak spanish and it is already sat 17.23 so gone home for the weekend. I wish I could help you some more but I just don't know what to do. ummm I had parrot hotline number, which is run by an english man you could try that if you want. Let me know and I will find the info

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