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Recently, while Inara and I have been engaging in bidirectional communication, whenever she would make a particular sound that I was unable to replicate back to her, I would simply say, "quack." Well, naturally, she fell in love with the sound of that, and for the last week "quack" has been her favorite word.


This weekend, she popped out with, "What the quack?" and we about died laughing. Managed to catch her saying it (when she actually sees the camera she clams up so had to be sneaky about it). Neither Joe nor I say WTF, but he does say on occasion, "what the hell?"




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Loved the video of this catchy phrase. Now the question is. Is she asking you what quack means? Since it is associated with various sounds you cannot replicate and thus really have no logical connection to a specific sound or event. It is going to be interesting to see how this plays out over time. I say "What the Hell" many times when things don't add up. Dayo says it as well and at appropriate times when an odd event leads him to that response. Thanks for sharing this video. I look forward to many more over time. :)

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  Mistyparrot said:
I am waiting for when she says "Quack off!"

Given her little personality, that is a definite possibility! :D


  danmcq said:
Now the question is. Is she asking you what quack means? Since it is associated with various sounds you cannot replicate and thus really have no logical connection to a specific sound or event. It is going to be interesting to see how this plays out over time.

Interesting question danmcq. Inara does ask at times, "What's ____." and "Where's ____." Usually the latter is usually "Where's Joe?" when he is at work or in the shower and she can't see him. I then tell her where he is, and lately she's been responding with, "OK." She has asked a few times, "What's quack?" and I reply, "Ducks say that." Then I'll follow that with, "Dogs say (then I try to simulate the little puppy bark that she now does)." So that at some point she can start referencing. She also said the other day, "I know a quack." Cracked me up, but she said it very seriously. I'm not sure what that means to her, but at some point it might behoove us both for me to print some photos of ducks and show those to her.


I talk with her all day long when she's in a chatty mood, and I try to be clear in my own speech, and I make a concerted effort to turn something she has said around in my answer to her. For example, she used to do a little flock call for Joe of just, "Joe.. Joh--oh.." And I would follow up with, "Where's Joe? Joe's at work, he'll be home later (or soon which ever the case)." It did not take her long to pick up on the use of "Where's." When I go into another room, I'll identify it to her, for example: "I'm going to the kitchen now." Yesterday while a friend was over for lunch, the two of us were in the kitchen, and this little voice piped up with, "Kitchen." So I replied, "Yes, I am in the kitchen, and you are in your home."


What I enjoy so much about this forum is that most humans here also do the same types of things with their fids. I'm not about forced "training," or trick training, although Inara and I do have two distinct times of day when we more formally chat -- breakfast and supper time (where I do give her reinforcers for clear speech and initiating speech), as well as constant interactions throughout the day. I do keep a log of new words/phrases/behaviors and how she uses them. As well as how she uses some of her non-human communications.


I still need to update her "flight log," thread here in the forums as she's come a long way since her last update. Next week, she'll have been with us for only 8 full weeks, and her language and behaviors are light years from when she arrived. This, I would guess is due to my being home with her all day, being able to read her body language and needs after many years living with a 'zon and a congo, and most importantly Inara's own unique personality. I did highly reinforce any speech on her part the first three weeks she was here, so she really got the idea that chatting is "good." She reinforces me when I mimic her whistles, and sounds (the ones I can) by giving me a happy fluffed up shake and tail wag and/or kisses.


Sometimes it's like dueling banjos in here! LOL :D

Edited by Inara
becasue I'm a terrible proof reader and always have to correct something :p
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Thanks for the great post on how you are interacting with Inara throughout the day. It is exactly what and how everyone with a parrot should do when they are home with their birds. It creates a dynamic and invigorating environment for them to live in and learn. :)

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Sophie has been exposed to many words!She has " sold her best friends out", when kids as teenagers had a party. While being out of town, Sophie " imitated the party", even though she was sworn to secrecy. I learned quickly, what transpired! LOL. The worse word she ever said, was "Asshole!" It landed her in timeout immediately! My kids felt terrible, when she learned a bad word, that was their fault! She never learned a bad word again. They NEVER tolerated their friends to say a bad word ever again! Nancy

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