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Rescue - Don't miss this series by PBS


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I have a lot of mixed feelings about the whole concept. Most of us have birds that were bred in captivity. They have never lived in the wild, have no concept of how to do that, and live pretty pampered lives (I'm talking about the forum member's birds here). I'd like to think Timber is happy. Would he be happier in the wild? Perhaps, if he had the skills to survive. With the birds most of us have, it is a moot issue.


The more disturbing thing is looking at it from the breeder's perspective. Is it right to continue breeding birds in captivity? In the end I guess everyone has to make their own decisions about that.


That said, Timber has really enriched my life. At this point I can't imagine life without a bird. Selfish? Maybe, but there it is...

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I have mixed feelings living with a little creature after her life was mixed up and painful to her. With that said, she is still a lovely companion, making great strides and well loved and provided for. I really do not think its wrong to breed in captivity and commit to them the way most of our forum friends have done. When its done well, it benefits the parrot as much as his human companion. To know this kind of synergy is beyond description. Of course it's gut wrenching when it goes wrong but we also can only take responsibility for the ones in our care and keep their needs in perspective with our own. The education of others before they make an impulse decision is the key. When we can balance the expectations with reality I believe we will find a solution.

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I wouldn't have known to watch if you hadn't posted this. Thanks Dan. It's too bad that most shows on the web are only available for a limited time. Otherwise, this should be made a sticky so every prospective parront could watch & learn. Thought it was nicely handled & anyone who didn't get at least a little emotional should consider themselves disqualified from potential parronthood. jmho

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