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Need Help !!!!


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Last Saturday we lost our wonderful family member Lilo. Lilo was a four year old Red Factor African Grey. She was the sweetest bird we have ever had. After moving to South Carolina, and doing some research, I found a local rescue in the area. I made several trips to the place, they have great prices of food, toys, etc. The owner seemed very knowledgeable. She convinced me to get Lilo,s nails and beak done there. So I did. All was going well until she decided to continue and work on her wings. I explained the wings did not need to be done, Lilo has one wing that was damaged when she was a baby, and the shafts and feathers never grew back. Needless to say she would never be able to fly no matter what, but that just made us love her all the more. So this women continues on to pull several shafts from Lilo's bad wing, I began to get nervous when I saw Lilo not moving any more, the woman took her to the restroom and splashed water on the bird. She then came back out, locked the front door and told me Lilo was dead, and that she should have never done so much to stress her out. I was in shock, began to cry and could not believe what I was hearing. She let me hold the bird, then told me she would have her cremated for me, that was a week ago and have not heard from her.

I am so hurt, I do not have any idea what to do. I know that I will never get another bird, I just can't go thru that again, nor could I ever replace Lilo. I hold her responsible in one way, and think if she did not do all this work, we would still have Lilo today.


My question to everyone here is, what would you do ?


Thanks in advance for your input.





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Wayne, I am so sorry for your loss of Lilo but I would never have allowed this woman to touch Lilo's wings, she may have been ok with talon trimming but since Lilo had damaged wings only an avian vet should have done anything with them. This woman is a criminal in my opinion and caused Lilo's death so is responsible for that and I would consider bringing formal charges against her since she obviously went against your wishes, she might be knowledgable but she went against the owner's wishes and did something that caused Lilo to die as a result of her actions, despicable in my opinion. Again I am so sorry for your loss and taking her to court will not bring Lilo back but she needs to learn her behavior is reprehensible.

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Thank you for your words, I agree with you, my wife is a little more forgiving than I am. I just bothers me that for months I have listened to her tell me how much she knew, which she was on some level. But to just go ahead as if she knew better than I what was best for my bird in unforgivable. I feel she should be held accountable, and people need to be made aware. If I had to do it all over again, I would make the four hour drive to North Carolina to the only nearby Avian Vet. Thanks again Judy, I will keep you posted.



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Wayne, my heart just breaks for you and your wife. There are just no words to convey how grievous this situation is. You have to be so devastated. Having gone ahead despite your telling her it was not wanted nor necessary is just plain wrong. Nothing will bring your beautiful Lilo back, and only you and your wife can know what will be the best course of action for you. I'm just so saddened for you.

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HOLY GEEZE ... Wayne that is a horrible horrible story and if someone would of done that to my bird they would be paying for it period more then just sending me the remains of my bird and an apology. I would check with a lawyer, this company should have some sorta of insurance or something that might cover if something happens to someones pet while in their establishment ... Id be hot! I am so sorry for your loss :( Tho, reading that is was a "rescue" ... makes me wonder

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Sounds like a situation I could have gotten myself into. I get bullied and pushed around a lot because I can't look people in their faces and say 'NO' until it's too late. I too would have sat there and watched as she did whatever to my Grey while getting nervous and trying to figure out a way to say something. IMHO she needs to pay dearly except she's running a rescue you said? I would hate to make it harder on the birds that are there now. This is a tough tough situation.


It might be of little help but I know myself and probably several others would love to hear about Lilo if you posted more about her in the memorials section.

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I'm so sorry Wayne. This is just so sad! If nothing else, maybe you could file a complaint against their license. I know nothing is going to bring Lilo back or ease this pain. I don't know if you want to do anything monetary or if a rescue has much to begin with. But in case this isn't an isolated mistakes, something should probably be done to try to protect other birds & people.

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I want to honestly thank you all from the bottom of our hearts. It has been so hard for us to get over this. Hitting us harder than we both could have ever imagined. I love the fact that we have this community to share our stories, both good and bad.


God Bless you all.


Wayne & Nancy

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