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Very very urgent!! SOS!


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My parrot fell over a bottle of hair oil and it spilled over her... I think she also drank some of it... Ive sprayed her with lots of water and wiped her body and beak but what do I do....the vet will not open until tomorrow since today is a holiday. Please tell me what do I do..Im so worried..Thanks

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I would suggest since you say this is a hair oil, that you wash your grey with dawn dish soap. It is what wild life rescues use when birds are coated in oil. You do not want that oil to stay soaked in to your birds feathers. If your grey did in fact actually eat some of that oil, you do ned to get it to an avian vet asap. I am hoping and praying for the best for you and you grey.

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Even if your vet is not in you can still call around to find an emergency service to ask or google it and see what you can find but try the Dawn liquid as it is what is used on birds before, please let us know what you find out and I hope she is going to be just fine.

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In Oman, you may not have the Dawn dish soap. Please be careful with reading ingredients in any soap product you use on her. The oil may be less harmful than the soap at this point. If you are able to use towels to absorb as much oil as you can, she isn't likely to have tried to drink the oil, it would be more likely if she is trying to clean it off herself it would get in her mouth. Getting advice from a vet may be your best choice, check online to see if you could find one to make a phone call out of the country if you are able to do so. Make sure you have the hair oil bottle to read ingredients.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys..Thanks a lot for your help...Well..my grey is completely alright.. I didn't manage to find any kind of detergent here...neither did I take her to the vet coz I heard pretty bad stories of the vet around here!! I actually saw her getting normal in 2 days and now the oil isn't there either and my bird is completely normal. Thank God!!

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