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WE GOT OUR BABY!!!!!!!!!


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OH WOW what a day!!!!!!!! We took off this morning to go to the airport at 10 am. Her plane was to arrive at 12:19. We got there and didn't see the flight # on the screen so went to the front desk and asked what was going on and we told them the flight # and they said "OH MY GOD" I was of course like what is going on, and she said the plane isn't coming to Charleston, WV. It is going to Charleston, SC!!!! I was freaking out!!!!:( They gave me a # to call and within 15 minutes they had it taken care of and she was headed on the right plane but she wouldn't arrive until 4:20 pm. So that was better than nothing. THAN that flight got delayed! It was going to be another hour before she would come! The poor little thing spent 14 hours going from Dallas, TX than to Atlanta than to South Carolina, than back to Atlanta and than finally to Charleston WV!!! I can't even begin to tell you how ill I felt :sick: Anyway she is home now! We put her on her play top and cause of the day she had a few hours later I put her in her cage and she loved her new toys! I got her one of those triangle swings with the ring in the middle and she loves it!! She went over and climbed on all the other toys and finally kept going back to the swing. She listens very well to step up. She flew a few times off of the play top to our other birds cage and I just calmly went over told her to step up and put her back on hers. When all that went on with the mix up at the air port I called the breeder and she was franticly calling as well as me. She was in tears!! It was a mistake and mistakes happen to everyone and I'm hoping I won't hear too many that's why I wouldn't do that. I understand the dangers and though it could've been much worse she is young and seems to be doing very well this evening. I wanted to share this experience for the good and the bad. But mostly because my BABY is HOME!!!! She is soooo gorgeous! I can't believe how pretty she is!!! Instead of calling her Sugar like I wanted to call her I kind of stuck with Heart, but we are calling her SweetHeart. I wanted something familiar to her when she arrived and she already knew her name. Once things settle down around here I will take some pics of her. She is used to Wendy taking a bunch of pics of her but she has already been through sooo much today. Hope to hear from ya'll!!!!

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Ronda, OMG! What a horror story!! You poor thing. But I'm glad all worked out well. Seems Heart is no worse for the wear. I had Talon shipped to me from Florida, so I know the apprehension you had, and can't imagine all you went through. I am so happy for you. I can't wait for pictures!! :woohoo:

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Boy this is one of those stories that starts out as a nightmare but changes to sheer bliss and I am glad it is all over for you, I can imagine how you must have felt while this was going on.


Heart, that is a lovely name and I bet she is a sweetheart too, glad you got her home and she is doing very well considering what she has went thru today. I can't wait to see pictures of her so get some soon and enjoy your new little bundle of happiness.:P

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Thank You Talon & Judy! It has been a nightmare but I'm sure only good to come! She seems soo playful and thank god she's young so maybe she will just forget about that terrible plane. Although I thank Delta over and over and over again for making the arrangements to get her to me! But I can't wait till she gets settled and wants to be held a bit. She will step up with no problem but she doesn't like pet right now. I'm hoping that will change a little like I said it has been a nightmare for her and I know I can't expect much from her right now. It's going to take time for her to get used to all the other animals and the kids, hubby and myself. When we first picked her up and saw her she was growling very very loudly! When we got her in the car she seemed more settled when I used her name. I now know what you mean about the growling. I picked her up after she flew and went to go pet her while she was on my hand and she gave me this little growl, like not right now lol. I'm sure she will but I can't wait till she does!!! I am soooo happy to be home with her!!!!!:woohoo: :silly: :cheer:

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Some greys do not like much touching and she might be that way, but I hope it is just the flight and coming to a new home that has her a little upset. She will settle in more in the next few days and live up to her new name, Sweetheart, I know she is just adorable and I can't wait to see her.

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Ronda, OMG! What a horror story!! You poor thing. But I'm glad all worked out well. Seems Heart is no worse for the wear. I had Talon shipped to me from Florida, so I know the apprehension you had, and can't imagine all you went through. I am so happy for you. I can't wait for pictures!! :woohoo:

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I can not imagine the angst and gut ripping anxiety the flight dilemma must have felt like. Thankfully it all worked out and you are united with Sweetheart. :-)


It sounds like you are having a great time and you new TAG is in tip top shape.


Get us some photos and more stories to go with them :-)


We're all excited too :woohoo:

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Ok didn't want to frighten her too much so snuck in a picture! Will get more soon!!!


ok said pic was too big will have to resize it, I'll be back!


Post edited by: Ronda477, at: 2007/10/27 16:56<br><br>Post edited by: Ronda477, at: 2007/10/27 17:08


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Thank you Dan! And no not proud at all ;)She is AWESOME!! lol My husband even said wow she is much prettier in person. He only had pictures and they really didn't do her justice. I am soooo glad she is here! I just can't wait till she settles in. She is such a sleepy girl today! Probably from being shuffled around soo much yesterday and than the new home lastnight and today, well for the rest of her life! So I'm sure she will warm up soon!

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Beautiful little girl!!


What a day you had, but well worth it. I expect she will start getting back to normal soon and give you lots of love.

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