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I need some help and support....


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I'm looking to train my Grey.

She has previously known the step-up command, yet she is a biter.

She also does not like being touched.


I would really like some advice because I honestly don't have the first clue where to begin.


I'm concerned about her well being and she seems rather lonley....

She's also rather quiet and anti-social for a grey.


Can anybody offer me some advice? Maybe some links to supplies or articles?


Thanks in advance ~

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Welcome to GF Oswin. Like most things w/Greys this isn't a one-size-fits-all challenge. So before we'd suggest anything, it would probably be good to know a little more about your fid. Could you share some things like:


How old is she?

How many owners has she had/how long have you had her?

How long has this been a problem?

Was there anything you can think that might have happened to make her afraid/stop wanting to step up?

When you said she's a biter, did you mean when asked to step up or anytime she's approached?


Anything else like that you can think to add to your original post ...& her name might be nice, too. :)

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