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two birds again


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My CAG is 7mo now. He likes to hang out w me and at times he likes to be pet. I'm kinda a touchy feely guy and i hand raised him myself to try to ensure he would bond and he has but he does not like to be touched all the time. Thinking about getting another bird that will, sorry to say. Perhaps get a caique and if junior doesnt shape up he may need to find a new home. sorry

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If Junior is your Cag how could you give him up to a new home just because he does not like to be touched. You certainly did not do your homework before you got this grey, they are not known for allowing a lot of touching or being cuddly. If you say you are bonded to this grey then how can you just find a new home for him, I don't understand how you can do such a thing. Josey is a part of my family and I would never give her up for anything. I feel so sorry for your grey, you obviously do not love him or you could not consider giving him up just for lack of being able to touch him all the time. I'm sorry to have to say this but you should never have purchased a grey to start with.

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OMG! What a horrible set of expectations you have! If you had done your homework, and researched Greys, you would know that most don’t like to be touched. Also, you would know that as they mature and get older, their likes and dislikes will change. When any responsible person purchases or adopts a pet, you do so with UNCONDITIONAL love. To just dispose of a pet and disrupt it’s life because it doesn’t behave the way you want it to, is immature and selfish. My heart breaks for this bird that you own, as he did nothing wrong to deserve being given away. But I do believe it is in his best interest to find a home and a person that will love and care for him unconditonally. He deserves that at the very least. I hope you give him away to a loving home, as he obviously doesn’t have one now.


I’m not trying to put you down here, you obviously don’t really understand a Greys personality, but you need to grow up, do your research, BEFORE you get another bird, and learn from this mistake you obviously made.

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Are you seriously getting rid of your grey because "he does not like to be touched all the time"?!?!? That is honestly the worst thing I have ever heard. Did you know anything about greys before you got one?????


Makena is my child. He bites me, jumps off me to get to my fiance, makes a huge mess and costs me a ton of money. And even with all that I love him more than you could ever know. He gets fresh cut up fruits and veggies 3 times a day, he is always out and playing and basically gets anything he wants. If he was ever sick I would spend whatever it took to make him healthy again. In my opinion that is what a bird parent should be, someone who shows them unconditional love. To me what you are saying is comparable to giving up a two year old child because they cry too much!!!


My heart breaks for your bird, you don't deserve him. I truly hope at the very least you find him new parents that will show him unconditional love. I would seriously reconsider getting another bird, birds don't cuddle. Get a puppy if that's the kind of companion you want.


I'm sorry if this sounds harsh... You made a huge mistake...I hope you learn from this.

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Ok guys, lets not tear him a new one. Have you never done something without getting the research done first and realized it was not what you thought it would be? I know I have. What's important is that he not do it again when its at the expense of a poor defenseless amazing little genius who just happens to have feathers. md2020, just because he is getting more independent now is not a reason to turn on him. Its time to look into who he is and if you can't accept him on those terms, then by all means, find him a loving home with someone who can appreciate his wonderful qualities and buy yourself a bunny to cuddle up to. Have you ever thought maybe you just are not a bird person? After all, we are rather unique...

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Md2020 - Are you joshing with us or maybe had a little too much MD (Mad Dog)?:blink:


If one pet doesn't meet your expectations, others will probably have some personality or habit you don't like either.


Purchasing or rescuing a bird, dog ,cat or anything else is done with unconditional love, if not, then don't go down that path.:angry:


If you think the tone of this response is harsh, your right. I do not take things like this lightly.

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Guest briansmum

well i was going to wait for an answer before i started the bombardment.. however the answer to my previous question is irrelevent as if junior is the grey you are planning to get rid of then i stand with all stated above and ask you this... did you think this would be a good place to come and say something like that?


if junior is the "new bird" who will be going if he doesnt meet standards then just dont get the new bird.


my advise to you is this.. if you don't like your grey distancing himself now let him go to a new home that understands him while he is still young. you do not deserve that bird.

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Md2020, we would like to hear your response to this thread you started, and I know you are not going to like it but you made a big mistake getting your grey and if you do decide to find him a new home, for God's sake make sure it is to someone who will love and cherish him like he deserves to be. I just can't comprehend how you can just get rid of a creature that you hand raised and is bonded to you, its like getting rid of your own child just because it didn't turn out quite like you imagined. You are definitely not a bird person and please don't get any more birds that may end up as disposible like your grey.

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Look, I have handled just about every type of parrot on the US market and NONE of them like being touched all the time...not even sweet tame caiques. I hand fed my grey and he to is 7 months old and he is my best friend...we do everything together. Does he like getting scratched all the time? No, he's a grey. He likes his loving before bedtime and a few times of HIS choosing during the day for his preferred amount of time. He gives me little kisses when I ask for them to show his love and that’s more than I could ever want from him.


To tell you the truth, I think you are one sorry mother****** for getting animals and disposing of them just because they are not 100% what you want. A few of the members said to get a puppy or a bunny, but you should be BANNED from ever getting another animal...EVER! Dogs don't like getting pet 24/7... and hell, girlfriends don't like it ether. People like you make me sick...you get an animal and don't think that it has a mind of it's own...this is why shelters are so full and thousands of loving animals are being put down every day. I got news for you buddy...if you want an animal that will want your putrid hands all over it anytime you choose then you should buy a stuffed toy. I hear they just came out with new Care Bears, or you could get a "fur'real friend" toy...they like being petted, till the batteries run out. Plus, I think you are a real coward for not responding to all of us. Did you just want to post to let people know how much of a c**t you are?!?!? I'm being harsh...but trust me I could do much worse if this wasn't a "family forum". I hope you give that bird to someone that will truly love it for who he is...and just for spite I really hope he's a cuddler with the new owner.

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Love my Greys I'll lower myself LOL


Regardless if he did his research or not, I don't think anyone should put ANY expectations on ANY animal. Just because Black labs are supposed to be great hunting dogs doesn't mean that they all are! I think it's extremely selfish that you would do something like that...and what exactly were you wanting to accomplish coming onto a forum and telling a bunch of people who are commited to their animals 100% that you want to throw away your bird because it wasn't what you expected?! Wow is all I can say. I'm especially shocked that you actually came on here and asked people WHO OWN Greys if they're touchy feely birds, everyone told you no, and somehow you decided to say screw it I'm going to do it anyway because I have the power to change a birds deep rooted personality. :angry: How completely arrogant.


The birds I have ARE throw away birds that people like you didn't want, instead of getting a bird cause it talked or it looked cool, you should have done your research, as now this bird by no choice of its own will lose its so called friend because you're a self centered individual?!



Oh and for the record Caiques aren't cuddly birds either. It's now VERY obvious that you haven't done your research. If you want something to cuddle GET A DOG, then again I agree with BMustee, you should have "disgraceful pet owner" tattooed on your damned forehead, and never be allowed an animal again. Somehow I'm not surprised that you haven't responded to this....turning around and cowardly running away from an issue of responsibility seems to be your forte!<br><br>Post edited by: loviechick, at: 2007/11/03 23:41

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loviechick wrote:

Oh and for the record Caiques aren't cuddly birds either. It's now VERY obvious that you haven't done your research. If you want something to cuddle GET A DOG, then again I agree with BMustee, you should have "disgraceful pet owner" tattooed on your damned forehead, and never be allowed an animal again. Somehow I'm not surprised that you haven't responded to this....turning around and cowardly running away from an issue of responsibility seems to be your forte!<br><br>Post edited by: loviechick, at: 2007/11/03 23:41





It sure is his Forte...I seen he was on a few days ago and I was all ready to read what he had to say after everything everyone had posted and rip into him again...but there was NOTHING...I was like...YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!!!


Can we call someone a d**chebag here...because thats what this guy is...

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Guest briansmum

md2020 did post something somewhere else. but it was a HUGE mistake making this post. i mean, saying your gonna get rid of your grey in a grey forum... duh!

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Yah really... and it is one thing to say you are getting rid of your bird because you can't care for it anymore (if you are injured, sick, can't afford it, etc.)... but to say it is because it isn't cuddly enough!!!!! I mean honestly, what kind of answers was be expecting???

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